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YMMV / Blonde in Black Leather

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  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: As a Random Events Plot, it features a lot of these.
    • When Monica loses her bike in the lake, Marlon Brandonote  comes out of the water riding it, tells her to fuck herself and drives off. Yeah... what. (This is an interesting example in that the loss of the bike has huge consequences for the main characters... which happen because MARLON BRANDO CAME OUT OF THE WATER AND STOLE IT.)
    • In the train scene, Monica and Claudia are being chased, and when the chase moves outside, the movie suddenly turns into a parody of a Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin movie, ending when they fall off the train into a river.
  • Les Yay: This is a female buddy movie that starts with an unhappy laundress dropping everything to run off with a cool biker she just met that day, and it only gets gayer from there.
    • In the Retraux scene, they dance and Monica dips Claudia. It's a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment inside what was already a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment, but shippy nonetheless.
    • There's a surprisingly touching scene near the end, before Monica reaches her goal, where they say their goodbyes and Monica tells her "Perhaps one day I'll come back and get you." Claudia decides to follow her anyway and when she finds her helmet abandoned on the street she clutches it against herself. Later, Claudia finds where Monica has gone, and when she sees her being abused by her boss, Claudia runs to her as if trying to protect her, though Monica stops her.
  • Values Dissonance: Tex, a little boy, smokes. Neither Monica or Claudia remark upon it.
