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YMMV / Better Call Saul S4 E10: "Winner"

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • The duet with Chuck and Jimmy. After proudly claiming to Kim that it was his night, was Chuck taking over the song some cute banter between brothers, or was he refusing to let Jimmy be the center of attention once again? Or did he just want Jimmy to stop singing because he flat-out sucks at it?
    • We've also seen Jimmy competently holding a tune before, only now he has absolutely no sense of melody. It's entirely possible that he purposefully sang in the most awful manner he could think of to coax Chuck onto the stage.
  • Captain Obvious Reveal: Half of the episode is spent on Jimmy and Kim carefully staging the situation for his re-evaluation before the bar to get reinstated as a lawyer. The entirety of past two seasons was spend on showing how much Jimmy ended up resenting and hating Chuck and how he just stopped caring. Plus there is just Jimmy being Jimmy. Yet the script clearly expect it to be a big reveal in the end that Jimmy phoned the entire speech in front of the bar committee.
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • Mike in the first few seasons only accepted jobs from Caldera if they did not require killing people. He even showed restraint in getting Tuco sent to jail instead of killing him outright. But crossing the horizon was inevitable once he entered Gus Fring's organization. Mike murders an otherwise harmless engineer, but one who has become a liability to Gus. Although to be fair, Mike may have been in a bit of a Morton's Fork himself. He can't protect Werner from Fring anymore, and Werner's wife would have been killed if he left the task to Gus Fring's other enforcers. So he allows Werner to send his wife back to Germany over the phone, and executes Werner personally with a Boom, Headshot!
    • Jimmy has done some incredibly shady things across the series, but winning his licence to practice law back with an improvised, thoroughly insincere speech on Chuck's legacy and gloating about how stupid his reviewers were to buy a word of it right afterwards is low enough to give even Kim pause.
    • Lalo holds up Fred the TravelWire clerk with a gun in order to access the building's security cams... and is then shown to have killed him anyway (and, as revealed in the next season, set the whole building on fire on his way out). It's the first of several petty civilian deaths and injuries Lalo will cause, but this one in particular makes it clear to the audience that as clever and charming Lalo has seemed up to this point, he's still a Salamanca and he's just as sadistic and immoral as the rest of his family.
