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YMMV / Berrybrook Middle School

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  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Peppi feels sorry for Mari on seeing the latter's home life, namely when she hears how terrible her father is. It doesn't change the fact that Mari sabotaged the Science Club blatantly by stealing their drone remote and made Peppi as well as the relatively innocent Art Club members take the heat. She said she was panicking, but when Peppi tries to explain to Jaime without naming the saboteur, he says Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse and that no matter someone's issues, cheating is still a problem that affects other people. To top it all off, when Peppi goes to confront Mari, she finds out that Mari and her mother left, without even leaving any contact information for Mari's friends, let alone the club for which she is president. Mari becomes a Karma Houdini as a result while Peppi has to decide whether or not to clean up her mess after the principal suspends both clubs.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Thanks to her moving, Mari never finds out that she ended up causing the situation she wanted to avoid with both the Science and Art Clubs being suspended. It would have been nice for Peppi to finally give her a What the Hell, Hero? for her actions, and for them to make up given Mari finally has a stable home living situation.
  • Why Would Anyone Take Him Back?: Discussed In-Universe regarding Garrett after he frames Jorge by accident for being an Internet troll. He was already a bad friend before, blowing off homework and not helping his friends to impress James, the golden football child. Liv is understandably furious and treats Garrett as an Un-person even after he confesses. She says the fact that he was peer-pressured into it is no excuse for letting Jorge take the fall and he shouldn't have said those mean things about her and her friends in the first place since Garrett knows how important drama club is to Liv. Jorge notes that by all means he has every right to never talk to Garrett again but can't hate him. After thinking about it for two weeks, Liv says she'll give Garrett a second chance, but only if he fulfills all the conditions that he sets for her; they include no more lying to her and Jorge, doing his own homework on time, and apologizing to everyone he hurt. Garrett fulfills all of them showing he is really sorry, and Liv is able to forgive him.
