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YMMV / Bard Quest

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> Discuss contested elements.

You'd like to pick at a thing or two about these reactions, if you do say so yourself.

  • Hilarious in Hindsight: "You are too caught up in your bold leadership duties to ask [your servants' names] though, and you figure you will probably just make up some stupid names for them later on." Sure enough, this became a running gag in the one Adventure where naming was possible.
  • Sophomore Slump: The reception to Jailbreak was largely positive, and its affect on Problem Sleuth and Homestuck cause it to get the lion's share of references. Bard Quest, being a primarily plot-driven adventure compared to Jailbreak, had none of its Random Events Plot absurdity; but because it was a precursor to Problem Sleuth and Homestuck's genre-defying narrative, it didn't have much that made it stand out from its competition besides being a fantasy adventure spoof. As a result it looks lackluster compared to the "Junior" and "Senior" years of MS Paint Adventures, but that doesn't stop it from getting nods from time to time.
