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YMMV / Arthur's Perfect Christmas

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  • Accidental Aesop: Arthur and his mother were shown shopping only two days before Christmas and Arthur's mother was unable to acquire a Tina the Talking Tabby. A reminder you shouldn't put off your gift shopping to the last minute. Although D.W. is ultimately content with receiving her duck toy.
  • Memetic Mutation: The shot of Francine’s face and hair being blown back by a furious Muffy on the other end of the phone has proven exploitable for memes, usually along the lines of “when your parents call you after finding out you did something wrong”.
  • Never Live It Down: The meltdown D.W. has is still regarded by fans as one of her worst moments years later, especially since she is not punished by her parents for it.
  • Strawman Has a Point: As a few Jewish viewers have noted, out of context, Muffy is technically right about Hanukkah. It's actually a minor holiday in the Jewish faith. There's actually been some pushback in recent years over the holiday, which can be seen as representing the fight against assimilation, being turned into "Jewish Christmas."
