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YMMV / Area 51 (FPS)

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  • Anvilicious: Blacksite: Area 51 is very open about its anti-War on Terror and Armies Are Evil themes, to the point that the game literally opens in Iraq.
  • Complete Monster: Mr. Frederick White is the sadistic head of The Illuminati. Originally a scientist during World War II who grew jealous of Dr. Winston Cray, he fled to the Midwest, where he performed horrific experiments on people. When the alien Edgar and his colony crash-land on Earth, White makes a deal with the aliens, exchanging them humans to experiment on in return for both their technology as a way to spy on people, and a virus that turns humans into animalistic monsters, with White hoping to unleash it onto the world. Once Ethan Cole and his men investigate Area 51, White has his clones and Illuminati members kill Ethan's squad mates and Dr. Cray.
  • Game-Breaker: The BBG alien energy weapon that you get halfway through the game replaces your assault rifle in almost every way. It recharges its own ammo, has pin-point accuracy, deals great damage (extra damage against certain bosses and enemies), and its projectiles ricochet against walls. Hell, you can beat the entire game with only this gun.
  • Goddamned Bats: Hope you got some grenades and assault rifle ammo for these annoying bastards.
    • The mutant mites aren't dangerous by themselves, as they only deal an ounce of damage and can be killed instantly in one shot, but they make up their lack of strength with massive numbers. It doesn't help that they scramble around the floor while you try to shoot them.
    • The mutant bouncing blobs are somewhere between this and Demonic Spiders. Attacking the blobs split them into more blobs, and while they're slow, they can sap the player's health by mere touch, and their massive numbers can overwhelm the player.
  • Obvious Beta: Blacksite was released in an obviously unfinished state, to the point that project lead Harvey Smith admitted it went straight from alpha to gold. Among other things, visual glitches and oddities run rampant (intel and ammo frequently floats in midair, there's no animation for NPCs entering vehicles, so your teammates entering a Humvee is represented by them standing next to the vehicle and reappearing inside of it), the squad control and morale mechanics barely work, the game is short on content (short campaign, only 6 guns and a bare-bones multiplayer mode) and the final boss had no AI before patch, he simply stood still after the end of his short scripted behavior.
