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YMMV / Arctic Dogs

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  • Anvilicious: The film has a blatant Green Aesop about the dangers of fracking and climate change.
  • Cliché Storm: Critics have stated that the film is a very average, unremarkable, paint-by-numbers flick whose story and characterizations been done before and better in several animated films before it.
  • Growing the Beard: While reviews weren't great, it was overall considered a significant improvement over Assemblage Entertainment's previous effort Norm of the North as it has better characters, a plot that actually makes sense, considerably better animation and voice-acting that at least sound like they are somewhat trying.
  • Memetic Mutation: A video tweet showing PB drinking coffee with the words "When That Cold Brew Hits" appearing on screen, then cutting to PB sledding down a snowy hill screaming, became an ironic meme, especially after the film bombed.
  • So Okay, It's Average: While it scored badly with critics, it did decently with audiences (with a 60% positive rating on RT) who generally considered it a passable enough diversion and at the very least a big improvement over the studio's previous effort Norm of the North.
  • Took the Bad Film Seriously: One of the very few positives critics gave the film was towards John Cleese's performance as the main villain, stating that he seems to be the only voice actor putting effort into his performance.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: Whatever else can be said about this film, the CGI can be pretty stunning at times, especially for the snow and ice.
