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  • Complete Monster: Shem Shem Tsiem, or the Opium Khan, was born a Prince during the twentieth century and quickly moved to have all his family members he could hunt down with a claim to the thrown drugged and burned alive. Choking his surviving nephew to death to seal his claim to the kingdom, Shem Shem Tsiem commits so many atrocities against his people that they flee in terror to the surrounding woods, and forcibly focuses all agricultural production on producing opium to avariciously conquer the world market. To stroke his own ego, Shem Shem Tsiem tortures an archbishop into insanity, leaving him reduced to a barking animal to proclaim his divinity. To spite his own mother and her love of elephants, Shem Shem Tsiem sadistically creates a worldwide poaching ring to have them killed for sport, much to her torment, later cutting out her tongue and decapitating her to put her head on a spike. Under the alias "Brother Sheamus", Shem Shem Tsiem takes over Edie Bannister's former organization, the Ruskinites, and savagely corrupts them, creating minions by brainwashing and destroying the minds of countless people, including young orphans. Ultimately dreaming of turning the whole world into a mass of lobotomized, obedient slaves and extensions of himself, Shem Shem Tsiem uploads his mind into Vaughn Parry to live forever as an unquestioned God. Facing off against Edie in present day, Shem Shem Tsiem has her ally, Joe Spork, sent to an asylum in the hopes of breaking him for information and than turning him one of his mindless minions. An utter monster embodying the most narcissistic of god complexes, Shem Shem Tsiem cements his position as Edie's Arch-Enemy.
