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YMMV / And to All a Good Night

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  • Heartwarming Moments: Plenty, considering this is a Christmas special:
    • Even after the events of Pine Creek, Hardestadt and Erin are closer than ever before and exult in each other's company during the holidays (even with Grete gone visiting someone else).
    • A smaller one, but even though the Gryla's a child-eating monster, even she cares for the Yule Lads Humanity can be found even in the most unlikely sources during Christmas.
    • The epilogue. After the small cliffhanger at the end of The City of Never Eliza Cortly and Hansel Brighterson are revealed to be making it out quite well even after the horrifying events of the City and spending time together. Eliza is also established to have had a relationship with Stadt, and a motherly one to Grete—who closes the story surprising Eliza with a visit.
    • Grete's flashback to her as a teenager when she confided in Eliza Cortly that she's a lesbian. At first she's too scared to tell her father, and Eliza responds by saying she likes women romantically as well and that there's nothing wrong with it.
      Eliza: (To Grete) You are beautiful, passionate, artistic, strong... any woman you love would be lucky to have you, to treasure you as you deserve. Let me tell you a story, my dearest girl, about a woman who was special to me. Who helped me realize these things as well... her name was Aisling.
  • Funny Moments:
    • The Yule Lads are a walking repository for this. Azmodan puts on a sophisticated act with emphasis on Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness to charm one of them into serving his wishes. The mutual introduction is priceless:
      Azmodan: I have the honor of being Lord Azmodan Vallikan, ruler of the Eighth Circle of Hell, son of Lucifer and the Lady Nephera Vallikan, at your service.
      Yule Lad: Meat Hook!
    • The entirety of Azmodan's plan to get in good with the Yule Lads, complete with manipulating their nature as Dumb Muscle.
      Meat Hook: But... Ma said I wasn't supposed t'show nobody..."
      Azmodan: Well, I am a somebody. So I can't be a nobody now, can I? In fact, Meat Hook, by not telling me, you would be disobeying your mother! And surely you would never do that?
      (Later, when Meat Hook introduces Az to his brothers)
      Meat Hook: It's Christmas, brother! An' I was listenin' to Ma! She said not to tell nobody. He's a somebody!
      Narration: To Emma's absolute shock, the ogres looked among one another and began to nod sagely, as if Meat Hook had granted them the wisdom of the ages.
    • The Yule Lad's Villain Song being song in Icelandic and translated for Emma leads to this glorious exchange.
      Emma: ... Why did it rhyme so well in English?
    • Hardestadt cosntantly throwing blame on Krampus for the evil plot in the holidays. He's right. Erin's reaction makes it even funnier.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Krampus himself, seeking the destruction of Christmas to renew the fear in the season, sets up a scheme to have several children kidnapped, having the child-eating ogre the Gryla and her sons kidnap a dozen misbehaving children who misbehaved to unsettle the treaties. In actuality, Krampus' true scheme revolves around the more well-behaved children he secretly kidnapped, having intended Hardestadt to walk away thinking the job done after defeating the Gryla as he used the children in a ritual to destroy Christmas and instate Krampusnacht in its place. Even with his scheme foiled, Krampus cheerfully points out there's not a thing Hardestadt can do to him otherwise and that because of the night's events, his name is more widespread than ever before.
