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YMMV / Ambulance

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  • Esoteric Happy Ending: In the end, Danny is dead — and shot by Will, no less — while Will is captured and will probably spend the rest of his life in prison (although not on charges of attempted murder of a cop, so there is that). His wife still has cancer and there is zero guarantee she will get better. But Cam regained her empathy, so... yay? It is especially jarring since the ending tries really hard to be upbeat in nature, while the actual events really aren't.
  • He's Just Hiding:
    • Last time we saw him, Captain Monroe was shot with a machine gun and bleeding to death. But he is not actually declared dead and like with the grand majority of such situations, the film deliberately maintains ambiguity about the ultimate fate.
    • Will shoots Danny In the Back and he seemingly dies from it. But it is never confirmed, never stated and last time he's on-screen, he's still very much alive, if in very bad shape.
  • Sweetness Aversion: While the film did get positive reviews, almost all of them tear the ending apart for its saccharine overdose.
  • Win Back the Crowd: The film is director Michael Bay's highest-rated film on Rotten Tomatoes, with 69% of the reviews on the site giving the film an overall positive reception and many critics hailing it as a surprising gem from this polarizing director.
