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YMMV / Ai Yori Aoshi

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  • Les Yay:
    • Tina likes groping other women's (and girls') breasts. But she's really in love with Kaoru. Also, there's her threat to go kiss Aoi and Miyabi if Kaoru won't kiss her.
    • Miyabi's life revolves around Aoi, and she admits feeling jealousy toward Kaoru, as well as a belief that he is unworthy of all the effort Aoi has been putting in to prepare for being his wife.
    • When Tina discovers Aoi's habit of hugging people or objects in her sleep. She tells Aoi the next morning, "I thought I was going to have to switch teams just to survive," and there's an Imagine Spot of a wide-awake, seductively smiling Aoi fondling her. Meanwhile, the real Aoi is going into spasms of embarrassment, complete with Luminescent Blush and Big "NO!".
  • Moe: Wouldn't really be an Unwanted Harem show without tons of it, right?
  • Sweetness Aversion: Some feel this way about the romance between Kaoru and Aoi, especially as the series goes on and on and on.
  • Values Dissonance: Tina's ongoing sexual harassment of other women often in the form of groping their breasts. While it's Played for Laughs (and sometimes presented as hot, since Tina is a Gorgeous Gaijin), ever since the #MeToo era (and more societal awareness that even women can be sex offenders), this comes off as disugsting and tone-deaf. And even though this anime aired before that era, in America, groping is seen differently than it is in Japan and not many people found it funny.
  • The Woobie: Several. Kaoru's backstory makes him the most straightforward example, particularly that his mother had to leave him with his abusive grandfather, and the cost of him leaving the Hanabishis to escape such abuse was his Perfectly Arranged Marriage with Aoi.
