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Woobie / League of Legends

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  • Amumu. The poor little guy's cursed to a lonely existence due to his Touch of Death, yet he continues to wander Runeterra in search for kinship. No wonder he's called the "Sad Mummy".
  • Yorick's entire family is long dead, all traces of his life are long gone, and he's been trying to finally pass on for hundreds of years to no avail. His backstory just makes you feel incredibly sorry for the poor guy.
    • Made even worse by the reason Yorick can't pass on - he left no heirs, and as such his family name has been forgotten. This is why one of his movement quotes is "You will remember Yorick Mori."
    • His rework somehow cranks this up; the last surviving monk of a religious order that was all but wiped out when a certain fateful accident struck the Blessed Isles, Yorick now spends his existence fighting the monsters of the Shadow Isles in the hopes of cleansing his home of this evil, with only his summoned undead and various spirits for company.
  • Skarner, while not The Last of His Kind, is a crystalline scorpion trying to save his race. Complicating things is that the eggs in which they sleep are considered no more than crystals to most and are extremely valuable sources of power, meaning that people either don't know they're destroying a living creature or don't care.
  • Riven deserves a mention. After what she went through leading up to her exile from Noxus, it's hard not to see why she left and went on the path to atonement.
  • Yasuo grew up desperate to prove himself to those who thought he was worthless. When his Glory Seeker tendencies got the better of him one night and he abandoned his elder, he was Mis-blamed when the man was found dead. He ran, killing those who came after him. Years later, he cleared his name, but the weight of what he had done was so great that he couldn't forgive himself, and when no one he'd wronged would grant him a redeeming death, he left Ionia entirely. He was last seen heading for Bilgewater with Ahri, with dim expectations of finding any more purpose or happiness there.
  • Nautilus. Being left for dead sucks. Being left for dead while being dragged down by some kind of sea monster sucks more. Waking up on the friggin' ocean floor to find that you've been totally abandoned and that your suit has fused to your skin sucks even more than that. Making your way to land and finding that not only is your mind going, but that there are absolute zero traces of your existence really, really sucks. Poor dude.
  • In spite of her wackiness, Lulu could count. While she certainly enjoyed being in the Glade, she still fondly remembered Bandle City and even returned there, only to find out that centuries has passed and everyone who she knew and loved was long dead. Her attempts to reconnect with life in Valoran proved disastrous, and resulted in her being banished from Bandle City, now left to "seek out a vibrant magical place where those with unusual gifts were not just accepted but adored."
  • Veigar is a massive Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds. A yordle who wanted to learn celestial magic, he joined a band of Noxian mages, only for them all to be slaughtered by Mordekaiser when he began his conquest. He was then imprisoned in solitude (said to be a Fate Worse than Death for yordles), cursed to be unable to return to Bandle City, and finally forced to perform dark magic for Mordekaiser for centuries until it warped his body and mind. Even when Mordekaiser was defeated, Veigar had forgotten too much of his former self to fully escape. His character profile claims he craves safety and freedom, but only remembers evil and so tries to gain the respect of others by becoming an evil warlock.
  • Hwei was destined for great things as a talented artist set to inherit the renowned conservatory of his home island, but following a chance encounter with Jhin, the temple and everyone aside from Hwei was reduced to ash in one of Jhin's "performances", leaving him a lonesome drifter. Making matters worse is the intense effect Jhin left on him, with Hwei genuinely feeling enlightened by Jhin's philosophies of unfettered expression, only for Jhin to demonstrate what such "expression" looked like in the worst way possible, by effectively destroying the man's past and future in one fell swoop. While Hwei is a far more virtuous and compassionate man than Jhin, his sense of empathy and emotional understanding visibly collides very poorly with the trauma he's endured — with how tired and wistful much of his dialogue is, it's clear the poor guy really needs a hug.
