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With Us Or Against Us / Anime & Manga

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With Us or Against Us in Anime and Manga.

  • Death Note: Outright declared by Light Yagami in the 2nd episode before killing Lind L. Tailor.
    Light Yagami: You think.... I'm evil?! I am Justice! I protect the innocent and those who fear evil! I'll become the God of the new world that everyone desires! All those who oppose that God... they are the ones who are truly evil!
  • Dragon Ball Super: During the Future Trunks Saga, this is the reason Goku Black and Future Zamasu killed all the gods in Future Trunks' timeline. As Black explains, he knew that none of the other gods would ever support or understand his plans or ideals, so they had to die to prevent them from trying to stop him.
  • Food Wars!: When Azami Nakiri takes over Tootsuki, he gives the students two choices: either you adhere to Central's rules and ideology, or you're an enemy to his beliefs that must be removed. Case in point, as soon as he was elected dean he boots off the three Council of Ten members who didn't vote for him, and during the Promotion Exams he does everything he can to make things as hard as possible for the "Rebels" to ensure his victory and expel them.
  • Great Teacher Onizuka: When the other Angels object to Sho's plan of murdering Onizuka, he beats them all up with a Broomstick Quarterstaff.
  • Mobile Suit Gundam SEED:
    • The Atlantic Federation does this with regards to Orb. Orb has a mass driver, which the Atlantic Federation needs, so they give them this trope as an ultimatumnote . It happens all over again in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, (albeit done by Blue Cosmos / Logos this time) when the Destroy Gundam is unleashed on the western Eurasian Federation for being too sympathetic to ZAFT. Durandal also pulls this at the end of the series, stating that anyone who doesn't agree to his Destiny Plan is a threat to world peace, in with the aforementioned terrorists and deserve to be eliminated via Kill Sat.
  • One Piece:
    • But not if you are a main character: Your badass status allows you to be supportive or enemy of the World Government with abandon. Neutral countries, on the other hand, have to accept Government leadership, or their whole population will be deported and enslaved. Because the alternative is pirates.
    • Essentially how the New World works. As it is demonstrated with the Worst Generation post-timeskip, the only way to survive is to overthrow the Yonko (ie. Law and Kid's alliances who are planning to topple Kaido and Shanks respectively) or swallow your pride and serve under them (ie. Bege and Drake).
  • In the Shaman King anime, this is the reason the X-Laws hunt down Yoh and his friends. Like Marco said, they become "too powerful to let [them] be."
  • This is the mentality of Shinji in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V. He advocates for the poor, oppressed people in the city to rise up against the powerful elite; only instead of trying to achieve equality, he's consumed with a desire for revenge and wants to reverse the system, making his oppressors suffer. Throughout the Synchro arc, he becomes more and more militant beliefs, to the point where he regularly turns on his allies the second they don't support his increasingly-hostile ideas, and only his ideas. Any other ideas to fix the system, even in a way that benefits everyone, is seen as them siding with the rich.
