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What Happened To The Mouse / Dick Tracy

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Welcome to the world of Dick Tracy, where characters can fade into the background, never to be seen again.

Chester Gould era

  • Binnie Viller: The girl that accidentally shot her father.
  • Yanni Yogi's wife, who was never seen again after helping the police capture her husband.
  • Themesong: A recurring kid character who is never seen again after trying to figure out what happened to Vitamin Flintheart.
    • Vitamin himself was subject to this under Gould's tenure. Max Allan Collins brought him back.
  • Steve the Tramp is a weird case. He was said to have died (in 1953) during the Mary Steel storyline, but a later storyline showed him working at a soup kitchen.
  • Little Boy Beard, the bearded, super-strong child of Fresh Upp Plenty. And for that matter, Fresh Upp Plenty and Mayor Voten.

Dick Locher

  • In one of the more ridiculous examples of this, a Big Bad named Big Al was introduced as a bank robber who cries a lot (Get it?). A few weeks in, Locher abruptly introduces an entirely different Villain, completely forgetting about Al.
