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Western Animation / The Autograph Hound

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"The Autograph Hound" is a 1939 Classic Disney Short directed by Jack King, starring Donald Duck

This cartoon provides examples of:
  • Bait-and-Switch: When Greta Garbo enters the studio in her limousine, Donald appears to be riding inside the vehicle with her. When the limousine turns, Donald is revealed to be riding on the outside of it.
  • Bait-and-Switch Silhouette: When walking across a desert setting, Donald spies a tent where he see silhouettes of belly-dancing women. Those silhouettes dancing their way out of the tent reveal themselves to be the Ritz Brothers.
  • Burning with Anger: After Mickey Rooney cracks an egg on his head, Donald gets mad enough that the egg starts frying.
  • Irony: Donald sneaks into the studio seeking autographs from the celebrities. The celebrities themselves turn out to be fans of Donald. When they hear that Donald is in the studio, the celebrities are so thrilled that they stray away from their movie acts and ask Donald for his autograph. Even the cop who has been chasing him asks Donald for his autograph.
  • Literal Ass-Kicking: The cartoon opens with Donald getting booted out of the studio by the security guard.
  • Panty Shot: By Sonya Henie and Shirley Temple.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: The cop is simply doing his job guarding the gate at the studio and keeping out visitors and autograph hounds, like Donald. He only pursues Donald for trespassing in the studio.
  • Wham Line: An in-universe example. The cop chases Donald around the studio and prepares to beat him until...
    Shirley Temple: You leave him alone. He's Donald Duck.
    Cop: [surprised] Donald Duck?
