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Webcomic / White Rooms

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An ongoing webcomic created by SrGrafo.

In his own words: For the people wondering what it is about, its about rooms, that are white.

The comic begins with a man, Ed, waking up in an empty white room, unsure how he got there or what’s going on. The rooms are populated by monsters, as well as other people who are in the same situation as Ed, and the comic follows him and some of the people he encounters as they attempt to understand this place and find a way out.

The chapters are published on his website.

This webcomic provides examples of:

  • Body Horror: The spider monsters that roam in the white rooms have a giant human-like mouth on their backs that they use to kill their prey, and they can use their tongue to grab their targets.
    • Another survivor is currently being rebuilt. He claims the maze replaces pieces of the survivors' body every once in a while. When they meet him, a quarter of his head is floating above his head, half his arm was apparently stitched on, and his leg is missing.
  • Bring the Anchor Along: Everybody in the white rooms, except for the Ritses, has a leg chained to a heavy block, and the only way to get around is to drag it along with them. When Charlie arrives, entering through a door rather than waking up in the room, a white monster promptly appears from the ceiling to chaining him to a block and then vanish again.
  • Closed Circle: The white rooms loop, and if you walk in a straight line you always come back to the start. Rits hypothesizes that the exit must not be in the edges, but somewhere in the middle. Andre and Edward travel 56 rooms to end up in the same place. Assuming the maze is square, the maze has 3,025 rooms. Since the rooms loops, it is also impossible to tell where the "edge" is.
  • Cover Innocent Eyes and Ears: Ed covers Claire's eyes to keep her from seeing disturbing things.
  • Creepy Child: Claire was found by the group standing in the middle of the night in one of the rooms, singing "Row Row Row Your Boat". She says she’s been there, unable to move, for "3 birthdays" but is apparently unaware of the monsters that the others have faced at every turn in the day they’ve been there, and claims that reaching "golden bell room" is the way out of the rooms.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Being eaten alive by a giant spider monster is not a good way to go.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": Ivan has a teddy bear named Mishka.
  • Eaten Alive: The fate of the woman from Numbers and the man from Translator.
  • The End Is Nigh: Edward's father apparently believes the end of times is about to occur. Before being trapping in the rooms, Edward and him were going to build a cabin because Edward thought it might be his last chance to ground him back into reality.
  • Expendable Clone: Rits' clones regularly sacrifice their lives to protect the people in the white rooms, and at least once, to save Rits. He collects the dead clones' scarves in the Safe Room and shows visible signs of despair every time he gets to witness a clone dying.
  • Interface Screw: There are actually English words under the words blocked with "RUSSIANRUSSIANRUSSIAN" and "FRENCHFRENCHFRENCH", but they are hard to make out. Something similar was done in Rimworld Tales for a man who was gagged.
  • Language Barrier: Andre and Ed don’t understand Ivan, who only speaks Russian, and Ivan seems to only understand some of what Andre and Ed say. Fortunately, Rits is able to communicate with Ivan. Unfortunately, when asked what Ivan is saying, Rits just claims that he is delusional (possibly because of Ivan's amnesia, and his confusion about the identity of his "twin", Solomon).
    • Another survivor that speaks French runs in to the group and, again, Rits doesn't tell the others what the man said. The man dies right outside the safe room.
  • Monster Munch: In #7, a lady bursts into the same room as the main characters, sobbing about her number. A few panels later she is killed by the first black monster shown in the comic.
  • Native Guide: Rits has survived been in the white rooms for weeks before meeting the group, and knows how to keep them safe from the many dangers roaming around in them.
  • Ontological Mystery: None of the characters appear to know how and why they ended up in the eponymous white rooms, although Rits and Claire may be hiding their true origins.
  • Omniglot: The Ritses are taught how to speak several languages, including Russian and French.
  • Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: When Andre removes his necklace, he suddenly begins forcefully spewing gallons of High-Pressure Blood from his mouth, only able to stop when Ed puts the collar back on him.
  • Posthumous Character: Cool Rits, the only childhood friend of the Rits that we know.
  • Punch a Wall: After the realisation that his mother is likely dead, Ivan punches the wall... a lot, leaving several holes, and giving himself bloodied knuckles.
  • A Tragedy of Impulsiveness: Someone who looks like Grafo attacks Charles as soon as he sees him. It's implied that he knows Charles's number is low and he will inevitably try to kill someone out of psychotic rage (heavily implying that it's happened before or that "Grafo" came from the future). Rits kills the man and drops the knife that Charles later uses to try and kill Claire by cutting the necklace that keeps her alive, causing Andre/Carter to give up his necklace to save her.
  • Two-Faced: Cool Rits lacked skin over much of the left side of his body, most notably his face. However, rather than being scarred he was born/created this way, as "they didn’t finish [him]".
    • Cadie is also missing half of a face as well. While Cool Rits is missing his eye on the half of his face with skin, Cadie is missing her eye on the side missing flesh.
  • Unnaturally Looping Location: After encountering Ivan and the other Russian, Andre and Ed leave, traveling in a straight line from room to room, reasoning that if they go far enough they’ll eventually reach the exit. After 55 rooms, they find... the same room with the Russians in it. Rits later tells them that walking in a straight line will always take you back where you started, and he suspects the exit is somewhere in the middle instead.
  • Wham Shot: In #41, someone finds dark spike with a figure impaled on the top. Standard weirdness for the comic, but the second to last panel reveals this figure is Tynan.
    • In the next page, something similar happens along with a Wham Line. A thin version of Charles meets the Anomaly, the blue character from Grafo's other comic who knew that Rimworld was just a game. The anomaly is wearing the same metal collar that he took off of "Noodles" marking it as the same character.
  • You Wake Up in a Room: The comic begins with Ed waking up in one of the rooms, not knowing anything about the place or how he got there.
