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Webcomic / Tiny Cat People

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"There is a large VOID here, ripe with creative potential. the void beckons you to engage it- somehow, as a distant, collective consciousness you know two things.
your TCP LIMIT is 1
you can CREATE a TINY CAT PERSON by presenting the void with a WORD. any noun will do."
The first page
Voidsy and their cats. note 

Tiny Cat People is an Interactive Comic by the Homebrew Deviants, featuring a game in which tiny cat people (or TCPs) are spawned, and must be taken care of by the player. The readers take the place of deity-in-training playing the game, and have the power to create anything they can think of in the void the game starts in, as well as teach their cats new things and direct their actions. Moreover, the game is a multiplayer one, with other gods playing in the same session, and the game can only be won if everybody agrees to an alliance... or kills off every opposing players' TCPs.

The story was originally started March 2016 on TGchan , but since then, additional threads have been started, one on the Eagle Time and one on TGchan, all happening concurrently with eachother and taking place within the greater universe of Morbit. Each thread plays as its own deity, which is explained to be a collective, not a consensus, hence often conflicting voices and decision-making.

The game itself plays as part Real-Time Strategy, part Sandbox, letting players do almost anything on their own territory but restricting their influence outside of it. As the game advances, the maximum number of TCPs allowed in the session increases, and as the game can only end once every deity has 5, the player must make alliances and decide their battlelines quickly.

Other stories in the Morbit setting include Maybequest, Waterlogged, and others.

Individual sessions will be added once their deity receives a name. TGchan's deity is The Void (Voidsy to their friends).

     Tropes In General 
  • A God Is You: Within their territory, a player can change the landscape and create any item or structure they can think of. They can also instantly give their TCPs knowledge of any particular subject.
    • Technically subverted however, as only deities can play the game to begin with.
  • Born of Magic: TCPs can be created using the spawn command and come to into existence fully sentient creatures, but knowing almost nothing. On the planet of Morbit, a TCP appears whenever someone thinks of one, leading to quite a substantial population.
  • Cast from Hit Points: Most kinds of magic item lower the health of the TCP using it, leading to dizziness and even death if used too much. The abilities of abstract-type TCPs also require health to use.
  • Game-Breaker: Any creation that would be powerful to warrant this (like a nuclear warhead, or an Antimatter-type TCP) is instead replaced with a warning. The player can still go through with the action if they want to, but they will activate Autobalance in doing so, giving every other player an equivalent of what they created.
  • Glass Cannon: Weapon-type TCPs generally have lower health pools than other types, and can create additional weapons on their body at the cost of even more health. However, they are not necessarily good at using their weapon, and might even prefer not fighting at all.
  • The Power of Creation: Players can create any creature or thing they can think of within their own territory as one of their basic abilities. However, overly powerful or unbalanced creations might warrant the attention of an admin.
     Tropes Specific To Void Session 
