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Webcomic / Thaumaturge

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Thaumaturge is a Web Comic inspired by Shounen manga. Taking place in a fantasy world in which there are 14 different elements, the story begins in the frontier town of Vagas. Despite working at her mother's inn and saloon, Wendy dreams of making her own way in life as a Sopher, a scholar dedicated to studying the elements. But things change once she meets a wandering stranger in the market. What happens next? Shoen, that's what.

The comic was hosted on drunkduck up until 2012, at which point it moved to Mangamagazine, also known as Inkblazers, and updated there at a somewhat regular pace until the author abandoned the comic in favor of other projects.note 

The comic then remained sitting undisturbed within Mangamagazine for about a year or so until, in early 2015, the site itself went down for good, taking hundreds of webcomics with it as a result.

Fortunately, however, a mysterious fan who goes on by the name of "Sanctaphrax" on the Giant in the Playground forums has saved all the 138 pages in a dropbox file. You can find a link to it either on the original thread or here on Tv Tropes.

Tropes found in this webcomic include:

  • Big Eater: Our protagonist, in typical manga style. Justifed by near starvation, so only time will tell if this a habit.
  • Conservation of Ninjutsu: In the second chapter. After a quick fight, Kentucky's Dragon revealed himself.
  • Exact Words: Alive is not unharmed.
  • Functional Magic: Thaumaturgy, as one might expect. Seems to be theurgy so far, but there hasn't really been enough to be sure. Seems to work by poker rules...
    • Possibly more like (Elemental) Device Magic, with elements of Rule magic - The cards could be argued to be simple devices used in rituals.
  • Gratuitous Latin: The protagonist's name is "I don't know my own name" in Latin!
  • Mind Rape: An example of forbidden Psychosophy.
  • Power at a Price: None of the listed subtropes fit, but Thaumacard creation (and therefor purchase) is expensive!
  • Sue Donym: Only time will tell, but it's been theorized that Nomen Nescio is pulling a Ulysses on us.
  • The Gambler: Sophy uses cards to manipulate the elements, so every sopher has a trace of the gambler in their battle style.
  • This Cannot Be!: The first major fight is quickly ended from the unknown hero's skills, and the first villain says "Impossible" to pronounce his belief of the other's skills. Not a pure example, as the villain survives (So far).
  • Whatevermancy: Averted. Magic uses "sophy" (phyrosophy, etc) instead.
  • The Wild West: Vagas is this, but themeparked and fantasy. If the giant cacti in the background didn't tip you off, the fact that pretty much everybody in town wears a cowboy hat probably will.
