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Web Video / Yo Kaimon

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An Abridged Series for the show Yo-kai Watch, YO-KAIMON is a fledgling 2015 series created by PowerMadOtaku on youtube on September 9th , created alongside his Parasyte abridged series.

In terms of story, this abridged series is similar to its origin anime. Keita is an Average Joe who, while going on a rare bug hunt to impress his friends, stumbles upon an old toy vendor machine. Upon dispensing money and opening a "Pokeball", he meets the ghost butler, Whisper. from there, Keita learns that Yo-kai inhabit his world alongside humans and cause trouble, and that he can find and see them with the Yo-Kai watch.

UN-like its origin anime, almost everyone is an uncensored pottymouth, Lampshades over various topics are hung, and apparently the world is set in the Pokémon universe.

Suffice to say, It is NSFW because of it.

Tropes present in YO-KAIMON:

  • Comically Missing the Point: Whisper tells Crossdressingmukmon to "Get the fuuuuck out of this hoooouse!":
    Kieta: Maybe you should try to be polite!
    Whisper: I'm sorry you're right, where are my manners? Ma'am would you please get the FUCK out of this house!
    (pumps his fists while heavy metal plays in the background)
  • Precision F-Strike: All over the place, but whisper seems to be a master at it Some characters even spout the "N" word (in the street-wise sense, not of the racist kind). It comes as such of a surprise because NOTHING is censored.
    Whisper: I want to show you my gratitude for freeing me from my prison you fucking retard!
  • Gass Hole: Just as in the episode, Whisper gets rid of a swarm of beetles with a fart:
    Whisper: Oh man, I've been holding that shit for at least 190 years!
  • Mon: While it is parodying Yo-kai Watch, it also mocks the genre in general by mocking other series. For example, the first two youkai, Crossdressingmukmon (Dismerelda) and Crossdressinglumpymon (Hapierre) make fun of Digimon's naming convention, and Pokemon's mechanics are referenced (tall grass, horde battles, shinies, etc). Despite this The description acknowledges that Yo-Kai Watch, Digimon, and Pokémon are all different in their own ways.
  • Only Sane Man: while plenty goofy, and far more foul-mouthed than in the original, Kieta is still a great voice of reason, its just that he's more proactive in how he deals with Yo-Kai so far.
  • Product Placement: Since there was actual product placement for McDonald's in the opening of the first episode of the actual series, The creator directly pointed it out by giving it an approximate translation, complete with the slogan.
  • Rule 34: Brought up by Kanchi at the beginning of episode 1, Kieta tells him that he isn't going trough that again.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Oh, god yes. seemingly everybody swears, with Kieta and Whisper being the biggest culprits; it even extends to the opening disclaimer and road signs in-universe.
  • Sophisticated as Hell: Whisper, he always speaks with a wistful, whimsical, and gentlemanly air, but swears the most out of all the characters so far.
