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UpIsNotJump (Real name: Matt) is an English YouTuber best known for his Machinimas of Fallout 4 and his This Is Why series. In the latter, he reviews games in a humorous manner, and other things such as the first few seconds of the universe (in which he finally got to use his chemistry degree) and global warming.

Troping Is An Absolute Nightmare-This Is Why

  • Accentuate the Negative: Despite the subtitle of his main series, defied. He has good things to say about all of the games he reviews, even Fallout 76.
  • Awful Wedded Life: Played for laughs, as apparently in the coronavirus quarantine he tried to strangle her to death because of how fed up he was with her.
  • Bestiality Is Depraved:
  • Book Dumb: Zig-zagged, in that he's neither dumb in real life nor dumb in his videos, as both personas have chemistry degrees, but his on-camera personality seems to be a little rough around the edges in terms of intellect. Take his MasterClass Trailer video, in which he proudly proclaims that he doesn't know what a semi-colon is, but perfectly describes ways to get YouTube and your audience to work in your favor. Or, not knowing the basic idea of cats not being able to eat chocolate, as seen in the Alien: Isolation video.
  • Black Comedy: His sense of humor is so dark it wraps around to being light again. Some examples include:
    • In the GORN video, he has a bit where he recreates a cooking show in the game, and slowly beats one of the enemies to death with a hammer.
    • In his Global Warming video, he has a demonstration involving cans of coke. When he segways into this, he says "But for this, we'll need some coke". Cut to him lifting his face from some powder and relievedly saying "Finally."
    • In his Half-Life: Alyx video:
      • He claims that game journalists abandon their blogs that force feed you gaming opinions after a couple months because "their oppium addiction needed a more stable income."
      • He recounts the story of his friends inviting him over to play some VR games on the HTC Vive, to which his response was "Do we snort it or is it a pill?" Lampshaded when it cuts to him typing on a laptop, saying "Oh mum's gonna love that one".
      • He talks about how muscle memory the game mechanics were, that when his friends were at his house and asked him to pass a joycon, he actually flicked his hand up, expecting the joy con to come to him. To avoid further embarrassment, he killed them both in a fit of rage.
  • Caustic Critic: Averted, while he definitely has criticism for the games he reviews, and it is mostly played for laughs, he still has plenty of good things to say to.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: He’s either completely oblivious to his cat’s obvious threats against him, or he’s used to it because of how weightless the claims are.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Downplayed, while he definitely throws snark here and there, it’s not his main personality trait. His lack of snark is definitely made up for with his cat.
  • Doom It Yourself: His attempt to build a bookcase involves lots of terrified screaming. The final product is flimsy, crooked, and for some reason on fire.
  • Motor Mouth: He speaks quite quickly, but not fast enough to point that he’s incomprehensible.
