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Web Video / Every [Blank] Ever

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Every [Blank] Ever is a bi-weekly/weekly web series from Smosh. Each video parodies various things.

The YouTube playlist can be found here.

Every Trope Ever in Every [Blank] Ever:

  • The Cameo: "Every Nick Show Ever" (a parody of iCarly and Victorious) features a cameo by Jeffy as the puppet owned by the Captain Ersatz of Robbie Shapiro, known as "Mr. Onions".
  • Cassandra Truth: In "Every Dog Ever", Mochi the dog hates the vacuum cleaner because "it's evil". His owner, of course, doesn't believe him and locks him up, only to get sucked by the evil vacuum later on.
  • Cluster Bleep-Bomb: The ending commercial in "Every Coffee Shop Ever" has this, as well as *Bleep*-dammit!.
  • Cool Teacher: Invoked in "Every Teacher Ever", where one tries to win his student's appreciation by cancelling a class session to watch a movie instead. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, as the students derisively demand why they'd want to watch a movie when they came to school to learn.
  • Dogs Are Dumb: A couple of dog owners discover that if they talk to their dog in a baby voice, it will think it's a good thing and will be agreeable to whatever request they have.
    Man: You're so dumb, aren't you?
  • Double Standard: In "Every Babysitter Ever" when having to chose a babysitter between a responsible and CPR certified male who will put the children first, and a convicted felon and who makes it clear she will not just do a terrible job keeping them safe, but actively put them in danger and try to get high off their medication, the parents choose the girl, because while the girl is blatantly a terrible choice, they find the idea of a male babysitter 'creepy'.
  • Flirting Under Fire: Played for laughs in "Every Jedi Ever", Luke and Mara see each other across the street and as they wave, they send objects and people flying with the force.
  • Get Out!: Olivia says this to Keith in one segment of "Every Test Ever."
    Olivia: It's not like I'm gonna treat you any differently if I find out!
    Keith: (sighs) Hufflepuff.
    Olivia: Get the f**k out.
  • Mood Whiplash: "Every Thanksgiving Ever" begins with a family at Thanksgiving discussing what they think the holiday means, and it seems to be going innocently enough, until...
    Mom: It's so nice to celebrate this lovely holiday that's all about bringing our family together!
    Carol: Actually, it's about being thankful for what we have.
    Dad: No, Carol, it's about eating a dead turkey.
    Billy: [cheerfully] Actually, it's about our ancestors violating and pillaging our land's natives, so that we may take their gold and their resources and build a great nation atop their rotting corpses!
    [the family stares at him with looks of shock]
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: The final segment of "Every Oscar Ever" has Leonardo DiCaprio (played by Shayne) burning down the Academy Awards building after getting snubbed too many times in favour of a snooty British actor, declaring that if he can't win the Oscars, no one can. Then he found out that he actually won the final award that was about to be announced before he destroyed everything. Except that it wasn't actually him, but a British actor who played him in a movie.
  • Prisoner's Last Meal: In the video "Every Burger King Ever", The Burger King himself is on death row, and upon being asked for his last meal, he requests a Big Mac, much to the surprise of the prison guard, who thought he would want a Whopper instead. The King says that he wants to enjoy his last meal. He also asks for some Jack-In-the-Box tacos.
  • Self-Deprecation: "Every Smosh Ever", for the 10th Anniversary no less.
  • Tempting Fate: The coffee shop employee in "Every Coffee Shop Ever" wonders how different evening customers could be from morning ones. The next customer turns out to be really strange.
  • They Just Dont Get It:
    • In "Every Subway Ever" the employee cannot understand that the customer wants a salad, not a sandwich. He repeatedly asks her what kind of bread she wants even when she bluntly tells him she doesn't want any bread. Even when he finally does manage to make a salad he asks her how she wants it toasted, and when she says she doesn't at all he asks her again how she wants it toasted.
    • The customer in "Chipotle" really can't understand that no matter how or who he asks, he can't have free guacamole.
  • Toilet Humour: "Every Dad Ever" has dad telling a joke where the punchline is him farting. He then tells his wife he pooped his pants again.
  • Token Black Friend: Discussed in "Every Superhero Ever", where the movie producers didn't think that a black person can be cast as the main hero, so they compromised by giving him the role of the hero's sidekick instead.
  • Too Dumb to Live:
    • "Every Walking Dead Ever". Rick makes a choice of who to kill or follow between a reliable, non-threatening man with a backpack full of supplies and knows were they can take shelter for winter and a blood splattered redneck who's licking blood off a machete who claims to know were the cure is. Much to the rest of the groups' visible disbelief he chooses to shoot the former and follow the latter.
    • In "Every Horror Movie Ever" the reoccurring sketch of the campers in the woods who hear a noise. The first guy goes and gets himself killed, and very loudly and clearly declares a murderer is stabbing him to death. Then another guy goes, getting angry at his girlfriend when she suggests they go check together rather than splitting up. Then two other guys agree that they should both go check, but go off in two seprate directions. Finally the guy in the wheelchair, rather than staying with the girl where its safe he goes off to check himself, jumping out of his wheelchair and crawling across the ground to do so. They all seem to instantly forget/ refuse to believe what the previous murder victims loudly shouted about being stabbed to death, and only the girlfriend who was smart enough not to walk into the woods survived.
    • One of the dogs in Every Dog Ever celebrates having his Cone of Shame removed by instantly running out of the door. He gets run over by a car and has to wear another one.
  • Totally Radical: One of the dads in "Every Dad Ever" tries to be all hip and cool, but he comes off more as an Amazingly Embarrassing Parent.
  • Your Costume Needs Work: In "Every Wrestler Ever", the crew try to impersonate various wrestlers. In one of them, Ian does a poor Hulk Hogan imitation. The real Hulk Hogan complains how he is the worst Hulk impersonator ever, and demonstrates what a real Hulk Hogan act should look like. Ian's remark? "Nah, I don't think you got it..."


Video Example(s):


Emily mooching a pen

The entire conversation originally started off with Emily asking another classmate needing to "mooch a pen" and he doesn't have one and asks another classmate. This, however, leads a lot of the words to be misinterpreted and it turns into "smooch hard on Ben".

How well does it match the trope?

4.86 (7 votes)

Example of:

Main / GossipEvolution

Media sources:
