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Web Animation / Ethics Training with Kim Wexler

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A series of ten cartoons in which the lawyer Kim Wexler explains how to ethically and zealously represent clients. This series accompanied the fifth season of Better Call Saul. It won an Emmy.

The cartoons are:

  1. Marketing
  2. Communication
  3. Civility
  4. Self-Care
  5. Strategic Alliances
  6. Conflicts of Interest
  7. Marital Privilege
  8. Money
  9. Client Privilege
  10. Decision Making


  • Ambulance Chaser: A literal example in the opening credits, in which Saul (or at least his car) chase after an ambulance.
  • Continuity Nod:
  • Donut Mess with a Cop: Hank can be spotted in Client Privilege with a donut and coffee as he eavesdrops on Walt.
  • Gilligan Cut: In 'Civility,' the camera guy insists that Kim not touch the law books on the shelf, even though Kim wants to arrange the books in a more sensible manner. After a cut, the books have been rearranged.
  • Jury and Witness Tampering: One cartoon shows Nacho, who is testifying on the stand, being coerced when Gus has his father threatened.
  • Knows a Guy Who Knows a Guy: Kim says this can be useful in her video on strategic alliances.
  • Last-Minute Reprieve: The opening credits show somebody trying to do this, but the intended recipient is electrocuted before the reprieve actually arrives.
  • Production Throwback: In the first episode, Kim notes "If you want to be a good lawyer, you have to be a good lawyer." This is a subtle but direct reference to Jesse's comment about Saul Goodman to Walter White back in Breaking Bad: "When the going gets tough, you don't want a criminal lawyer; you want a criminal lawyer."
  • Rewatch Bonus: The series serves as a trailer for the events of season five, with Jimmy working for Lalo, marital privilege a topic, and most importantly, Kim's Slowly Slipping Into Evil breakdown.
