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WMG / Timeline-191

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Anne Frank grows up to become Europe's equivalent of Martin Luther King Jr.
By the 1960s, she's become a popular, respected writer, and she's one of the world's most prominent civil rights activist fighting for the rights of Europe's oppressed Jews, passively resisting antisemitic authorities with a series of peaceful sit-ins, protest marches, and bus boycotts. By the 1970s, she's won the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts. She eventually dies quietly, surrounded by her loving family, sometime around 2010.
  • Relatedly: Anne Frank becomes one of the key figures in the LGBT rights movement. (There's been quite a bit of speculation that she might have been gay, based on a few passages in her diary that were cut from early editions)

Martin Luther King Jr. becomes America's equivalent of Elie Wiesel
As a teenager, he survives a hellish stay in Camp Determination, and he writes a book about it as an adult. In subsequent decades, his book is used to educate the world about the horrors of the Population Reduction, and King becomes one of the world's foremost human rights activists, swearing to devote his life to speaking out against genocide and government oppression.
  • On the other side of the coin, Malcolm X becomes the equivalent of Simon Wiesenthal, dedicating his life to ensuring that former Freedom Party guards and other officials do not escape from justice.

The Drakaverse is Alternate History written in Timeline-191
It's really in-universe science fiction from Timeline-191, written in the 1980's of that timeline and illustrating what might have happened if the Confederacy lost the War of Seccession and was exiled to South Africa. Although the official point of departure of the Drakaverse is during the American Revolution, the true horror of the Draka doesn't get turned up to eleven until after the Confederates show up (before then it's indistinguishable from what the Great Powers of the 19th century were doing in real life). The story is basically "What if the Confederates had had an entire resource-rich continent to work with, rather than just the American South?"

British cinema in the post-war era
In the decades after being devastated by nuclear war, a few British filmmakers end up becoming internationally recognized in the 1950's for their contributions to world cinema. In particular, two become prominent for films released in 1954: Alfred Hitchcock directs an medieval epic called The Seven Paladins, about a young King Arthur gathering his Knights of the Round Table to defend a village of peasants from bandits; Hitchcock's friend David Lean becomes famous for directing an epic monster movie called Grendel, about a vicious dragon who rises from the sea to attack London, which goes on to spawn a popular series of films. William Hartnell features prominently in both, playing Merlin in The Seven Paladins and the kindly paleontologist Dr. Yancey in Grendel.
Haiti and Liberia will become the TL 191 equivalents of Israel
After the horrors of the Southern Holocaust, the Central Powers (primarily The US) invest in rebuilding Haiti, modernizing Liberia, and helping Holocaust survivors relocate to both countries in order to establish some semblance of livelihood, this ultimately leads to both countries being far better developed and military powerful than in real life.
South Africa and Rhodesia will both become the TL 191 versions of Argentina
Assuming both countries adopt the same apartheid policies that they did in real life, they would be the perfect destination for escaped Confederate war criminals, at least until the 1990s when apartheid is phased out.

Many Real Life Black shows and other Cultural Contributions from African-American will still exist, but will be Darker and Edgier
For Example, Roots will have a Downer Ending, Florida and James Evans from Good Times will be revealed to be Holocaust survivors, and rap music will feature many examples of Take That! to the old CSA and especially Jake Featherston.

Jonathan Moss shot down Laura Secord's first husband
Laura did state that her first husband was shot down in the First Great War, and Moss was flying missions over Canada at the time, which would make this an inadvertent case of Kill and Replace.

Irving Morrell will become President of the United States in the 1950's
Due to the fact Timeline-191 utilizes a lot of parallelism, Morrell would be a logical Eisenhower stand in. Even aside from parallels, a war hero president would be logical for the US. He would most likely be the Democratic nominee, although it's possible he could choose to eschew the two main parties and become the first Republican elected since Blaine (which would also be a nice nod to Eisenhower's affiliation in our timeline as well as the fact that Eisenhower in real life considered running for either party or as an independent).

What the characters from Timeline-191 did in our timeline...
  • Irving Morrell-In our timeline, his parents never came to America. Morrell still rose to prominence, but by a different name: Erwin Rommel.
  • Jake Featherston-Fought on the US side in World War I. Ended up getting KIA on the Western Front, one of the 116,500 American casualties in the conflict.
  • Hosea Blackford-An active member of America's Socialist Party. Unfortunately, like many other Socialist figures (such as Eugene V. Debs) was imprisoned for protesting the war. He was released shortly after the conflict ended and remained active in the labor movement until his death.
  • Flora Hamburger-Never got too involved in the Socialist Party in our timeline, instead, she became an active sufragette. After the passage of the 19th amendment, she got more politically involved, including helping Robert La Follette's Progresive Party campaign in 1924. During World War II, despite her relatively advanced age, she volunteered in a factory to help ensure American troops were adequately supplied. She died peacefully in 1950.
  • Abner Dowling-Fought in the Spanish-American War of 1898, where he was tragically injured. While he survived, he was honorably discharged from military service afterwards and sat out both World Wars. He lived into the 1960's.
  • Tom and Anne Colleton-Tom never joined the military in our timeline and instead continued to manage Marshlands alongside Anne. The plantation continued to operate up until the Great Depression. During this time, the Colletons were unable to retain most of the field hands (many of whom found alternative employment through New Deal public works initiatives) and the siblings became penniless. However, they were able to find odd jobs in Charleston before becoming part of the staff of South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond. They continued to work for Thurmond until retiring in the mid-1950's.
  • Jefferson Pinkard-Fought in World War I and survived the conflict without injury. After returning to the US, he moved to Louisiana and became an early supporter of Huey Long's first campaign for Governor. He became an employee of the Louisiana government during his governorship and continued to work for the state even after Long's death. He was an efficient bureaucrat, but generally was satisfied as a paper-pusher. He retired in 1953 and died ten years later.
  • Clarence Potter-Worked as a member of the Bureau of Investigation in the 1920's and assisted in the enforcement of Prohibition. After the establishment of the FBI, Potter continued to work as an agent. He received commendations from Director J. Edgar Hoover on several occasions before he retired from the FBI in the 1960's. He worked on memoirs about his experiences, but unfortunately died in 1974 before he could finish them.
  • Arthur McGregor-Continued to operate his farm peacefully for the entirety of his life. He passed away in 1940. His son Alexander took over the farm after his death.
  • Jonathan Moss-Did not serve in the First World War, but joined the Air Force during the Second World War. Fought in the Pacific theater and served with distinction. Moss was one of the pilots considered to drop an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki in 1945, but ultimately was not selected to do so. Moss remained in the Air Force into the Korean War, which he also fought in. Unfortunately, Moss did not survive this conflict and was killed in action in 1951.
  • Reggie Bartlett continued to work at his drugstore and eventually managed to become a pharmacist. Unfortunately his comparative sympathy towards the blacks in his community ran him afoul of the Ku Klux Klan, who had him lynched during the early days of the civil rights movement in the 1950s.
  • Henderson FitzBelmont would be a minor player in the Manhattan Project, later joining Edward Teller in the creation of the hydrogen bomb and founding the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. As Edward Teller's protegee, FitzBelmont headed up Operation Plowshare, a plan to use nuclear weapons for peaceful purposes.

By the 21st century, the USA will have three major political parties instead of two.

As seen in the final book where the Republican Governor of Minnesota wins several notable states during the 1944 election, the GOP is slowly but surely regaining it’s prominence. And because the United States has many more states than in our timeline due to its holdings in Canada, Northern Mexico and the Caribbean, it makes sense that the political landscape would be more diverse. Since the Democrats and Republicans never switched platforms in this timeline, the Democratic Party represents the conservative right wing while the Republican Party is center-left and the Socialist Party is radical far-left. In 2016, Democratic presidential candidate Donald Trump wins a narrow victory against Republican Hillary Rodham and Socialist Bernie Sanders.

  • Assuming any of those three are born in this timeline, of course. The Butterfly Effect applies, as both Trump and Clinton were born after the events of the series and while Sanders was born in 1941 in our timeline, his father and his maternal grandparents (assuming they survived) may not have been fortunate enough to have emigrated from Russia and Poland in the aftermath of the First Great War.
  • Likely to be even more divided than that - even with De-Freedomification, once the former CSA states are allowed to vote again, they're likely to support their own Dixiecrat-like split-off party—given the timeline's history, they probably restart the Whig party. With much stronger regional divides, we end up with at least 4 parties - the Socialists and Democrats appeal to national left and right wing demographics; the Republicans become a regional party of the Midwest and Canadian states, and the Whigs become a regional party of the former CSA states. There are intense negotiations in each Congress where the Democrats and Socialists try to appeal with the Republicans and Whigs to form a majority.

Japan will be on a side equivalent to the Soviet Union in an equivalent of the Cold War.

The end of the series leaves you to wonder if there will be a Cold War in this timeline, and if so, who would be on which side. I think it's Japan. Considering that they have a desire to expand, just like the Soviet Union after WWII, combined with the sheer amount of historical parallels, it just makes a lot of sense.

  • Japan in this timeline also has a lot more natural resources to work with, having retained control of Manchuria, Korea, and possibly Indonesia, Indochina, and parts of Siberia after the Second Great War. Unlike Japan in our timeline, they can be completely self-sufficient and possibly even more of an industrial and commercial power. It's likely that Japan can be an even greater threat than the Soviet Union.
