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WMG / The Witcher (2019)

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Cahir won't have his change of heart and will be The Mole

  • With his Adaptational Villainy tendencies it seems hard to believe that he can come honestly aid Geralt. Additionally, he kills no less than two members of Ciri's family and seems like a man on charge of invasion of Cintra, so Geralt wouldn't be inclined to believe such a change. Maybe he will just try to pretend to be innocent young knight in order to spy on Geralt?

Vilgefortz will be replaced by some other mage

  • Battle of Sodden was said to be breakthrough for Vilgefortz's political career. Instead, he comes off as essentially incompetent while Yennefer saves remaining wizards. It would be hard to believe he built a reputation as a powerful mage on killing two nameless mooks with sword, so maybe his role in mages' politics will be filled by some other mage? (Fringilla?)
    • Possibly Philippa
    • He's likely holding back as part of his Xanatos Gambit.
    • Jossed as of 3x5.

Meve of Lyria will appear and be the eldest daughter of Queen Kalis

  • And Yen will mention what a bitch her mother was.
  • She does appear at the end of season 2. No mention of her parentage, though.

Queen Meve of Lyria violently deposed her father for killing her mother.

Queen Meve of Lyria is not just queen but in a position of power seated alongside the other monarchs of the realm. This is despite her father's "traditional" attitude towards having a male heir (to the point of having his queen assasinated for only birthing girls). Season 3 will have her imply that she, and perhaps her sisters, eventually made him pay for getting their mother killed. At the very least, he never got the male heir he wanted.

The series will make an extra timeskip in the future seasons to account for Freya Allan's ageing

  • Ciri ends the book series at around 15 years old, but Freya Allan can't continue looking like a teenager all the way to the projected end of the series. The best way to work around this discrepancy is to give her character time in universe to age to roughly matching the actress. Perhaps in the adaptation she actually gets a chance to study at Aretuza for a couple of years off screen?

The Ronin Mage is in fact Rience...

  • This appears to be jossed, since Rience appears in Season 2 and is played by a different actor than the Ronin Mage.

The circumstances of Duny and Pavetta's death may be changed...

  • to account for either a more sympathetic or believable transition towards Duny's re-emergence as Emperor Emhyr.

Vilgefortz violently killing the wounded sorcerer at the battle of Sodden

  • This may have been less to show that he is somewhat psychotic, and more a way to "refuel" his chaos, because after he is done, he appears almost refreshed. If that is the case, it's most likely a "forbidden" technique (because turning hapless girls into eels to feed their energy to other sorcerers is fine, but murdering someone bloodily to gain power from them might be too much even for the mages.).
