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WMG / The War Gods

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The god with future plans for Brandark is Semkirk
  • Of all the Gods of Light it makes the most sense. Aside from his musical aspirations one of his defining traits is his scholarship, being either a Genius Bruiser or a Badass Bookworm depending on your point of view and Semkirk is the god of wisdom and mental discipline which would seem to cover scholars as well. As Semkirk is a particularly fierce enemy of Carnadosa it would explain why her followers seem to have it in for him worse than Bahzell.
    • Following on this is the theory that Brandark is half-human and will become another White Wizard. Chesmira promised that Brandark's eventual destiny would be "worthy of a poet's soul." Wencit has often compared working magic to poetry.

The god with future plans for Brandark is Kothralas
  • Brandark fell in love with the sea on just one short voyage with the halflings, despite not being able to swim, and expressed the desire to learn more about sailing and the sea. The reason he hasn't made any progress on his destiny is because Bazell's adventures have kept him a long way from the ocean and thus has prevented him from meeting his god.
    • Confirmed.

The plan that the Voice shared with Kaeritha at the end of Wind Rider's Oath is not the real plan that the Dark has for the War Maids and Lorham.
It's not clear if the Voice was lying or if was being lied to, but there are several things about the plan she told Kaeritha that just don't add up in light of what we know about what the Dark has planned.
  • Partha says, "Our plans always allowed for the possibility of us losing our foothold at Quaysar. Indeed, they depended on us losing it." The second sentence of that fits with what the Voice says, but not the first. The plan as outlined by the Voice pretty much requires that they be able to hang on to Quaysar until they are ready to let go of it and would be in serious trouble if they lost it early.
  • The Dark is planning to kill Trisu; this is pretty certain, as we've heard the Dark agents discussing it amongst themselves. The Voice's plan, however, would be most effective if Trisu were alive. If he were dead, the matter of his guilt or innocence in the attack on Quaysar would be mostly academic. If he were alive, however, the matter becomes considerably more difficult. He becomes either the innocent victim of the Straw Feminists or a bastard who murdered the representatives of a Goddess. No matter what the authorities do with him, they will set off a firestorm.
    • This isn't entirely true. If someone dies without being officially charged/convicted it tends to really kick off the conspiracy theories since now they can have the theory that one side or the other killed him for their own nefarious purposes. Either the [Straw Feminists killed an innocent man to cover up their own crimes or the Straw Misogynists had him killed rather than be forced to admit that one of their own was evil.
  • Varnaythus says that when the conflict between Lorham and the War Maids begins, the Baron "will have no choice but to take Trisu's side." To be fair, it's possible he is lying. If he's not, however, it is hard to square that with the Voice's plan under which the Baron (and every other person who doesn't know what's going on and has a sense of decency) will be with the War Maids. Varnaythus also said (to one of his fellow conspirators to whom he has no reason to lie) that the War Maids would be the ones to provide the provocation, again hard to square with the Voice's plan.

Jolhanna, the War Maids' trade representative, is the assassin being sent after Trisu.
  • We know that the assassin is a woman, already "in-position" to strike at Trisu but not actually in his household, and a follower of Sharna. This eliminates all of the known Dark agents among the Sothoii, so it must be someone either we don't know about or that we know about but don't know is Dark. Jolhanna fits the first two conditions and nothing we know about her eliminates the third.
  • There were initially three major sources of conflict between the War Maid's and Trisu.
    • The location of the border. Trisu was 100 percent correct.
    • The question of the Voice at Quaysar. The War Maids believed Trisu was letting his hatred of them spill over into disrespect for the Voice of Lilinara, Trisu believed that the "Voice" was a crazy bitch and a conartist who didn't actually speak for Lilinara. Again, Trisu was 100 percent correct.
    • The issue of what's going on in the Lorham markets. Trisu's people say there is trouble between the local merchants and the War Maids because Jolhanna is going out of her way to pick quarrels with everyone. Given Trisu's track record so far, we can at least suspect that he's right again here. As the War Maids themselves have pointed out, "Jolhanna has no reason to be confrontational"—unless she's working for the Dark.
  • The goal of the operation is to start a civil war between the War Maids and the more traditional Sothoii. Hard to see a better way of accomplishing this than having a Sothoii Lord assassinated by a War Maid official representative.

Wencit of Rum is really...
In the novella "Sword Brother," Wencit shows enough respect for the Dark Wizard he is fighting to let her see "beyond a glamour no Carnadosan had even suspected existed." Whatever she saw, she considered an explanation of why Wencit had been so effective in his war against the Dark. Ideas on what that glamour might have been concealing?
  • Wencit is Semkirk.
  • Wencit is Ottovar.
  • "Wencit" is not a single wizard but actually a composite of all the White Wizards who gave their lives to hold back the Dark in Kontovar long enough for the evacuation to Norfressa.
  • Well when she realized she looked at his sword implying that the sword was of particular importance to his true identity. That suggests a few possibilities:
    • Wencit is a Champion of Tomanāk. Tomanāk gifts his champions with magical swords and combining the powers of a champion (which include at least limited precognition) with his own wild magic would definitely make him a lot more effective, particularly if no one realized that he was a champion. It would also explain why he knows so much about what the gods are up to (he knows that Tomanāk is trying to recruit Behzell almost before Behzell does).
    • Wencit is a champion of one of the other gods, possibly Orr. While swords seem to be more Tomanāk's thing the rest of the argument for Wencit being a Champion still holds true and a champion of Orr in particular would seem to match his potential as the overall guardian of Norfressa.
    • Wencit's sword is the Sword of the South. Mentioned by Word of God as one of the major heirlooms of the House of Ottovar we have no clue what powers it has (if any) but it's entirely plausible that it could be granting Wencit additional powers beyond what he would naturally possess.
      • Jossed. Wencit possessed it at one point, but he's not capable of using it. He cached it someplace twelve centuries ago to await someone who could.
    • A time traveling son of Bazhell and Leeana, whose come back from another future to try and make a branch of reality better. Hence why he knows when and where to be, and to place portal runes hundreds of years ahead of time. It's already suggested a human-hrdani hybrid is very dangerous if they have wizard blood. And Leeana's family is old Sothari nobility, which are descended from the Sword Brothers, who included members of the Ottovar family. So Leeana just so happens to be descended from the the legendary wizard founders of the old empire, and marries someone who if she has a wizard child with, will make a wild wizard. And Wencit has constant veils up, easily disguising his true appearance, and his ears.
      • Heck the Human-Hradani Hybrid theory could hold true even without Bazhell and Leena being his parents. It would certainly explain his power level and long life (although admittedly we don't know how long a pure human wild wizard would live).
      • If Wencit is a time traveler, then he came from a bad future. In Sword Brother Wencit mentions that even attempting time travel is something that would only be done by someone who is either completely insane or extremely desperate.
      • Wencit has mentioned that there have been documented cases of time travel. The all-time record was going back in time one week, and the man in question spent the entire week in his study, observing events through a scrying stone without ever interacting with the outside world.
    • Wencit tried and failed to prevent the Carnadossans from conquering Norfressa. He then traveled back to the Fall of Kontovar, not preventing it in order to make sure the resulting timeline played out in ways he could anticipate, but instead snatched Torren Swordarm or his one loyal son away at the last second, putting him into stasis for nearly 1400 years until the time he could be best Kenhoden.
Leanna will become a Champion of Isvaria
  • In War Maid's Choice, Isvaria speaks with Leanna and gives her a token. This token is never used for anything during the book and is only mentioned a couple of times after that point. But it clearly implies that the Goddess of Timely Death has plans for her...
