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WMG / The Twilight Zone (1985)

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Need to Know: The maddening truth is that they're all fictional

Just look how the Fed guy looks at the camera!

The Misfortune Cookie: How did Harry Folger die?

All I know is that he got the you're going to die fortune cookie, and then suddenly he was dead. Was he poisoned or something? That seems like a feasible explanation as to the suddenness of his demise.

One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty Plot is similar to the original series episode Walking Distance

Just an opinion,I think that the plotline of the 1987 twilight zone episode One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty is similar to the original series episode Walking Distance.Because both episodes involve a man who travelled back to his childhood days and unknowingly meets his past self.I think that One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty might be a recycled script of Walking Distance,Right?
