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WMG / The Silmarillion

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Men will rebel at the Second Music of the Ainur
Enemies of Elves and the Valar, like Ar-Pharazon, angry and bitter their one-and-only lives were wasted under Morgoth's shadow, now expected by the heavens to create a perfect Arda unmarred, will outright oppose Eru. But they won't weave harmony, or discords, into the theme — because they don't want any part of it. They sing a world out in the Void into being, a place far removed from Eru and magical forces. Governed by physics and not the flame imperishable. Planet Earth. The Ainur now about to come to the end of the majestic music's conclusion are horrified. Men have given no consideration for how that world would even function — its a true hellscape. They use the last moments to bring as much beauty from Arda into it as possible; trees and animals; the Moon; a benign Sun in the habitable zone; planets Jupiter and Saturn to shield it from impact events; stars from Eä. These Men vanish... as if they never were. The Ainur protest to Eru, there wasn't enough time to make Earth without flaws. The Father of All is unconcerned. He expected some to be indifferent or defiant to the music, and the Gift of Men is still in effect.

Ungoliant was created by Eru and the nameless things were created by either Eru or Morgoth
While Ungoliant is clearly more than a mere monster she's also not beyond the level of the Ainur (at least before she consumes the two trees). Most likely Ungoliant was an Ainur that had no part in the song and then "snuck" into Arda. The nameless things either have a similar origin or they could be a result of Morgoth's corruption of Arda. This could explain why they were terrible enough to disturb Gandalf.

Fëanor was planning to establish an anti-human Elven Empire in Middle Earth
During one of his speeches, he talked about the coming of Men and swore that no one would ever supplant the Elves. There isn't a doubt in my mind that after taking back the Silmarils, Fëanor was going to more or less replace Morgoth as the Dark Lord by ruling over Men forever.

Aside from not repenting, Mandos won't let Feanor reincarnate because he's just too dangerous.
Fëanor is the only Elf in history who threatened and then later carried out violence in the Undying Lands. Considering he remained furious at Morgoth and his own brothers until the end of time, were he to ever regain his body there's nothing to stop him from just doing it all again. A Noldor exile, a kinslaying, I bet he'd even find a way to get back to Middle Earth even with Aman being removed from the World. Because he's Fëanor.

The Gift of Men is meaningless.
The whole point of the Gift of Men — i.e. free will — is to allow Humans to choose their fate freely. And yet Eru through Manwë is implied to lament men choosing to go their own way like Melkor, so what's the point of free will if men are simply supposed to go with the flow instead of making their own destiny and deciding for their own how the world should be, and not how it's meant to be?
  • The Gift of Men is not free will, it is Death, the ability of leaving this world forever instead of being permanently tied to it. Eru gave them free will, though. And the point of it is that men choose their own way... which they did. However, leaving your children freedom to make their own choices does not mean that you will not feel sad if you think that they are making a very, very wrong choice that will only bring them grief.

Melkor's rebellion was Eru's plan all along.
He was specifically created with petty personality to drive a conflict. After all, all the good is worthless, if there's no misery and evil in the world to contrast it. And if the world is screwed up too badly, it can be started anew.
  • As Tolkien's friend Jack pointed out in The Problem of Pain, Eru in Real Life works around the evil, and the a complex good arising from the evil takes the place of good that might have been without it.

If Sauron was never taken to Numenor, eventually the Dúnedain would've come into conflict with the Elves.
The Kings of Numenor were spiraling down the dark path regardless of Sauron's interference, although he certainly helped them along. Enslaving Men was clearly not going to be the end, and tensions with the Eldar (Most likely the Noldor) were only going to get worse especially during the reign of someone like Ar-Pharazon. In a way, the horror of the Akallabeth was a good thing. It made it possible for the Free People to ever reconcile and ultimately lead to the end of Sauron and the last traces of Morgoth's evil.

Ungoliant is actually It.
Since the Silmarillion doesn't confirm her fate, she could have found a nice place for herself, devouring souls of children in the darkness. Now Stephen King's dislike of spiders comes out in the whole new light.

Before his defeat, Morgoth was working on creating functional Humongous Mecha.
In the texts of the Fall of Gondolin it is mentioned that Morgoth's army included dragon-shaped tanks ("On Maeglin's advice Morgoth had his smiths and sorcerers construct iron monsters in the likeness of dragons, which might cross difficult terrain and harbour legions of orcs to transport them safely across the open plain of Tumladen") and bombers ("flying machines with fire on their bellies"). Clearly the next step was creating giant robots — like a Mazinger or a Gundam — or another kind of giant mechanical beasts. Good thing that the Valinor army struck as he was stuck on creating winged dragons.
  • I actually completely agree with you, but with one difference: Morgoth's endgoal wasn't mecha, it was Kaiju. You have to remember that his whole deal is that he wanted to create life like Illuvatar, dragons were the closest he ever came to this. If we assume that Ancalagon was meant to procreate and spawn more titanic monsters, then Morgoth was most likely well on his way to creating something like Godzilla or King Ghidorah and letting them take over the world in his name.
If the Silmarillion is ever adapted for the silver screen, Benedict Cumberbatch will cameo as a Maia of Yavanna just returned from the far Harad or the Yellow Mountains.
"Aiwendil, my friend, you'll be glad to learn that your peng-wings are flourishing"
Eru hates Humans.
Out of all the races of Middle-Earth, humans are the weakest, the shortest-lived, and there doesn't seem to be much of anything they can do that either the Elves, Dwarves, or both can't do better — and that's without the whole "Gift" of Men. Yeah, yeah, supposedly death is a gift, but the ability to die is not the same the inevitability; a gift isn't really a gift if you have no choice but to accept it. Add in the fact that those who live a comparatively long life spend at least part of it old and infirm, and it doesn't seem like much of a gift at all. For all humans are supposedly special, in many ways they seem to have got the shaft compared to, well, everyone else.
  • Death is only part of the gift of Men. Men also have the unique ability to conceive of things not in the song of creation, while Elves are bound to it (and how Dwarves fit in is unknown). I generally take this to mean that since Middle-Earth is supposed to be our own world, our modern, non-magical advancements are a result of our ability to think in ways that other races can't.
  • The kings of Numenor were able to decide when to die; problems only started to occur when they began to fear death and so fought to live far longer than was healthy for men and eventually simply wore out (or became wraiths, in the case of the ringbearers). It's implied (especially in the Athrabeth, if you take that as canon) that men were all supposed to have that ability, but we lost it in an event analogous to the biblical Fall. That event leads to the current situation of people dying of old age after only a few decades.
  • Besides that, death is not oblivion - it's going beyond, leaving the world, being more than just a part of it. Elves are tied to Arda. When they "die", they don't leave, there's no afterlife for elves, just a waiting room in Mandos Halls where they prepare to be reincarnated properly. The Valar themselves (except maybe Mandos, who paid more attention during the Music) don't know what's going to happen to them after the world ends. Men (probably including hobbits) come to this world once, live their lives and go to heaven (or hell). Men are eternal, elves aren't. Which also explains that free will thing - men are not wholly bound by rules of the world, since they're not entirely a part of it.
Ungoliant was made of neutron or even quark star matter.
Ungoliant is described as descending from the darkness above Arda. That could have meant she was a meteorite. She is mentioned to have an all-devouring hunger, which could have been due to gravitational pull (then why she didn't simply burrow into the ground could be explained only by Arda being flat at the time). After she absorbed the two trees, she grew in size and started letting out a cloud of Unlight which could not be penetrated and actively drained light. Perhaps she reached critical mass? It could be that she was concealed by a gravitational lensing effect. Then she died by dissipating via Hawking radiation after she migrated South. Of course, all this leaves every event where her body interacts with anything (ground, enemies, Melkor, trees, Silmarils, her own limbs) unexplainable.

Dagor Dagorath already happened.
Believe for a second that what Tolkien wrote actually was a translation of the Red Book of Westmarch. If all of that is true, with Valinor and the Valar, then where are the Eldar? Where are the dwarves and hobbits? There are a few options for these questions:1, all the Eldar are on Valinor now (save Maglor), all the hobbits, as Tolkien described, have grown smaller and are in hiding, and the Dwarves... either died out or just disappeared.2, Dagor Dagorath happened, the Children of Iluvatar (aka Man) sang with the Ainu in a Second Music, the world was reformed, Morgoth slain, all elves reside in Valinor (Maglor's actual fate during the reshaping unknown) and humans alone populate the earth, the fate of dwarves and hobbits being unknown.

The biochemistry of the White Trees includes sulfur and selenium in quantity.
Great was the reek of that burning.

Celegorm instigated the Second Kinslaying to get revenge on Dior.
The text says that "Celegorm stirred up his brothers to prepare an assault on Doriath." Think about it; Dior's father Beren took much of what Celegorm wanted and prized: the love of Luthien, the friendship of Huan, and comradeship with any other hounds. Also, keep in mind that it's Celegorm's servants who take Dior's sons into the forest to starve. For Celegorm, Dior's existence as the scion of Beren and Luthien was probably a personal insult.

Silima's empirical formula is extremely complex.
We're talking multiple anion types and multiple cation types. And one of the metal cation types is certainly mithril.

Maglor and Daeron are still here somewhere among us.
After all, they are Elves, technically immortal, no Elven sources report on seeing them ever, and they have not reported to have been died. My personal assumption is that Maglor moved to Finland and plays lead guitar in a heavy metal band, while Daeron moved to USA and plays country. Think of ten saddest songs imaginable, and you can have an idea who are behind them.

Túrin would have been all right if he'd had a hobbit friend.
His life (and the hobbit's) would still have been very difficult, because it's the First Age and all, but one hobbit to be sensible at him and hardy enough to lift his spirits would have put him off at least one of his self-destructive decisions. Two hobbits, and Melkor's curse would have been undone entirely.
  • What if that Hobbit was Sméagol though?

The Straight Road is still there.
In the Bermuda Triangle, to be exact.
