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WMG / The Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue

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The reason Martin gets over being turned insane in NIMH 2 is because the rats gave him a prefrontal lobotomy
  • Hence the bandage on his head.

Nicodemus' "prophecy" actually applied to Martin, not Timmy
  • So, "a son of Jonathan Brisby" will save the rats from the evil of NIMH, will he? Who was it, again, that managed to turn the tables on Valentine? That's right, Martin. Just because he turned temporarily evil doesn't mean his actions didn't benefit rodentkind as a whole. Jenny and Timmy get points for saving him, naturally, but Martin was the only genuine Chosen One.
    • Actually, this makes sense to me. I mean, even though Martin turned evil, he DID turn the human scientists into dogs. We never see them get turned back, and they possibly died in the fire, so the scientists of NIMH are unable to do anymore harm. Martin truly is the Chosen One.
