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WMG / The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet

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The song is secretly part of some sort of Alternate Reality Game and about half of the people involved in the search for it are paid actors.
The crew behind it got Justin Whang to play himself in a Bizarro Episode of TOTI that serves as Kayfabe supplemental material.

The song is about a ghost realizing they are dead.
"The Subways of your Mind" refers to the spirit's limbo/purgatory state. Endlessly dreaming in a world that doesn't exist, inside their own soul, unaware of their actual surroundings until they start to wake up.

"There's no place, there's no tomorrow, there's no sense communicating": Realizing they've been "living" in an illusion, becoming aware of their surroundings they realize they no longer physically exist. They have no more future on Earth, no tomorrows left. They pass through everything and no one can hear them.

"Like the wind, you're going somewhere, let a smile be your companion.": The ghost getting ready to move on into the afterlife, the lyrics being either representative of their own thoughts or a benevolent voice coaxing them to. The place where the "sun never shines" may also be in reference to the afterlife. It is a place where the sun indeed doesn't shine. Sunless Lands if you will. Better to do this than endlessly looping through warped, dreamlike memories.
