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WMG / The Love of Siam

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Tong and Mew would get together eventually.

  • Tong came out and accepted his sexuality. He even confessed his feelings for Mew. In his confession to Mew, he said he can't be his boyfriend. However, to me I feel like Tong did that because Tong has to deal with his family problems first. I'm sure the two boys will get together eventually in the future when Tong fixes his family problems. I mean his mother have already gave him the pass to date Mew. He already accepted his sexuality. He dumped Donut. There's literally nothing stopping him except his current family issue. In addition, Tong and Mew were separated once when they were a child and they still got together years later. Who's to say it won't happen again? Furthermore, the director seems to be trying to push the theme "as long as you love, there's always hope". The two characters love each other. Therefore, they'll eventually get together in the future.
