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WMG / The Great Race

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Max's accidental act of self-sabotage actually kept them in the race

Early days of automobile racing or not, given Fate's penchant for cheating, there might have been an investigation or at the very least suspicion as to the ones responsible which could've led to their disqualification. Max's act of self-sabotage, namely one of the car's two engines falling out, may have actually help draw such suspicion away.

Fate's attempt to sabotage the meeting at Webber Motor Car Company is what led the board to accept Lesie's proposal

The board were at first skeptical at Leslie's proposal of building a car for a long distance race. That is, until Fate tries to derail the thing only for him to be exposed and boast that he'll build the greatest automobile in the world and win. With the gauntlet thrown (down a manhole by accident), Webber accepts the challenge.

Fate popping that kid's balloon wasn't a Poke the Poodle moment but an admonishment
At the starting line, both Fate and Leslie had to keep telling people to not touch and stay away from their cars. In a little blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, just after Fate pops that kid's balloon, you can see that the boy was touching the 8's left rear fender with one hand while leaning over the rear engine cowling and eating an ice cream cone.

Any car enthusiast knows that touching someone else's car without permission is a no-no, and it's especially rude to be eating while leaning over one. So, Fate's popping the balloon was his way of getting that kid to knock it off and move away.

Admittedly, it was a funny Poke the Poodle moment too.
