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WMG / The Godzilla Power Hour

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Godzooky is the son of Godzilla's sister and Varan.
Well, try to picture what a godzillasaurus/varanopode hybrid would look like. It would look just like Godzooky.

Godzilla is Godzilla Jr.
Junior always appeared as an adolescent smaller green version of Godzilla. Upon Heisei Godzilla's meltdown, which revived and empowered Junior, the radiation had matured him into a new Godzilla. Jr., unlike his rampaging father, actually is benign and friendly around humans and so becomes the Destructive Saviour of Earth.
  • In his first two appearances, Junior's eyes glow red whenever he senses danger or becomes scared. Reborn as the new Godzilla in the animated series, he can fire lasers from them at his enemies.
