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WMG / Taz-Mania

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Taz is adopted
  • He does not act as human as the rest of his family.
  • Alternatively, he has some mental or developmental disability, explaining why he acts different than rest of his family.
The hotel staff are mainland Australians
  • They have Australian accents, plus Constance is a koala and Thickley is a wallaby, two of the most well-known of mainland Australian animals.
    • Bob and Mum are "Ten Pound Poms".
Francis's tribe are actually shipwreck survivors
  • Possibly a luxury yacht.
Dog the Turtle was named for Turtle the Dog
  • To best understand the context for this WMG, you'll need to be familiar with the Fudge series of books by Judy Blume. In the first book, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Peter used to have a pet turtle named Dribble until the day that his younger brother Fudge (real name Farley) swallowed him. At the end of the book, Peter gets a dog for his new pet and names it Turtle. Taz-Mania decided to invert this concept by giving Taz a pet turtle named Dog. In this case, Dog is a turtle who acts like a dog because he was raised by a pack of dogs before Taz adopted him.
