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WMG / Tarzan

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Rafiki from The Lion King belongs to the same fictional species as the baboons that attack Jane
They share the same combination of mandrill and baboon features, not seen in any real life monkey. At one point, Jane describes her attackers to her father and mimics the baboons' calls well enough that the professor is able to identify them as Theropithecus baboonus, a species that does not exist in the real world (although genus Theropithecus is very much real, even if there's only one species- Theropithecus gelada- extant today). This would suggest that both movies take place in the same alternate reality in which there's an additional, mandrill-like species of Theropithecus living in the jungles of west-central Africa, and this is obviously a fact well known by zoologists like Professor Porter.
  • The Lion King likely takes place in East Africa, but it is possible that Theropithecus baboonus has a broad enough range it's present in both areas.

Tarzan's parents' corpses were discovered and brought back to England shortly after Kala found baby Tarzan.

The leopard that faced adult Tarzan was not Sabor.
Or at least, not the same Sabor. In the original books, Sabor wasn't a name, but simply a word in the ape language for lionesses. Assuming that word instead applies to leopards here, there's no reason to believe the leopard that killed Tarzan's parents and the one he killed as a young man are the same individual. Leopards, after all, live about 15 years, tops, and Sabor was already an adult when she killed Tarzan's parents. The gorillas (and therefore Tarzan, who was raised by them) refer to all leopards as Sabor, so Tarzan sees no difference between one leopard and another.

When Jane finds out that Tarzan's majestic call originated from a stupid noise he made as a child, she is most likely to divorce him.
Just saying.
  • Then again, it's not like Jane didn't do stupid things herself as a kid.

Kerchak has had a terrible experience with humans long before Tarzan showed up
This adds an extra layer as to why he refused to accept Tarzan and why he was suspicious of the visitors. It would also explain a number of things: why he immediately associates Clayton's gunshots with danger and not just some random sound and why he goes into full Killer Gorilla mode when the hunter points his gun at one of the other apes (who curiously played around with the gun moments beforehand).It's possible he may have previously encountered poachers or other dangerous humans in the past. He also refuses to open up about it, most likely due to trauma, becoming livid whenever someone tries to ask him a question relating to it.

Clayton made up the statement that he taught a parrot to sing "God Save The Queen"
As CinemaSins put it, Clayton seems much too vain to lower himself to that level. More likely, he made that up in order to boost his own ego. If this man views gorillas (which share 98% of our genes) as only hunting trophies, it's doubtful he'd want anything to do with any other animal unless he saw profit in it.
