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WMG / Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi

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Tales of the Jedi will focus on more characters later down the road
The show itself is a huge opportunity to shine the light on many Jedi heroes - not just during the Clone Wars era, but beyond that conflict. Besides the initial premise of focusing on Qui-Gon Jinn, Count Dooku and Ahsoka Tano, Tales of the Jedi might get more seasons depicting other Force-wielding protagonists (Luke Skywalker, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kit Fisto, Luminara Unduli, etc.).

General Grievous will be seen in his original Kaleesh form
Not only Jedi deserve to have a lot more backstory. Same goes with popular villains of different eras - General Grievous being one of them. The show will depict the period of his life before the cybernetic enhancements, as well as the excruciating process of being rebuilt into a cyborg; all to be seen in detail for the first time.
  • Jossed.
  • The show is called Tales of the Jedi, and Grievous is not force sensitive, let alone a (former) Jedi. If he does appear in the series, it will either be his past from another Jedi's perspective or as an enemy.

A mystery of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas will be finally unraveled
An enigmatic character who had the significant role before the Clone Wars, Sifo-Dyas is another perfect candidate for the respective "tale". Him leaving the Jedi Order, him coming to conclusion of having a Clone Army for the Republic, his visions about the future, as well as his death might be a great chain of events to depict on-screen.
  • Somewhat confirmed. While Sifo-Dyas is not present on screen, his access codes are used by Dooku to delete Kamino from the Jedi archives.

The planet Ahsoka hides out on in "Resolve" is Modesta from the Duel of the Fates script
The California looking planet is the planet named after a city in the Central Valley. That's it. That's the WMG.
  • In the Ahsoka novel on which the episode is loosely based, the planet is called Raada.

Pong Krell will have some appearance in season 2 or later
  • We will either see bits of the moment he turns traitor, another example of his racism of Clones during an earlier Clone Wars mission, or how he trained a padawan (which he might not treat any better than Clones).

Yarael Poof will appear in season 2 or later
  • They showed us Yaddle and what happened to her, so he might be the next one. And before you say he's too similar to the Kaminoans to return (which is partially why he only appears in TPM), that didn't stop him from being fleshed out in Legends or used in Robot Chicken and the similarities aren't that much (for one thing, his neck is longer, he has an extra pair of arms hidden, and his eyes and mouth are distinctly different)
