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WMG / Star Trek: Armada

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The Armada universe has ties to the Command & Conquer: Red Alert Series
There isn't a Tiberium infestation on Earth obviously, so it's more likely that the Red Alert universe is connected to Armada if anything. The Starbases have a notable resemblance to the GDSS Philadelphia but that's about it. Things of note:Armada begins after the Dominion War, but presumably, the war went differently with Red Alert technology supporting the Federation; the tech from the C&C universe enabled feats such as Ridiculously Fast Construction and therefore, Sovereign Class ships went into mass production on a greater scale than in the Prime Universe.
  • The Temporal Research Facility & Gemini Effect seems derived from the old Chronosphere project on earth. The Federation is more willing to toy with space and time after the Great World Wars between the Allies, Soviets, and the Empires' attack on the former two. The Mannheim Effect is also deployed like a Superweapon, with the ability to click anywhere to specify where the commander wants the distortion deployed.
  • The Borg managed to assimilate knowledge of the Iron Curtain project, and the Diamond is able to shield ships with a similar effect. The Federation Corbomite reflector is likely a scaled down adaptation of this Iron Curtain effect or a spin on the Nanoswarm Hive technology from the Empire's days.
  • The Engineering Team is also able to restore a ship or facility in record time, much like the Engineers in the Command and Conquer series.
  • The Federation battle doctrine had some remaining flaws. Like in the Great World Wars where the Allies got taken by surprise by the Soviets, the Cardassians were able to take advantage of the Federation's complacency and bias towards peace.
