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WMG / SpongeBob Conspiracy

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"Mother" is the founder of Happy Meat Farms' Muse
It's mentioned on HMF's website that Ramona was only able to start the organization after she found "a new partner" and the HR orientation video shows Mother being fed one of HMF's "experiments"...just like how Alex has to keep feeding his muse to get more ideas. The ending to the HR video ("It'") is likely alluding to Ramona having second thoughts, or perhaps implying that she's not in the picture anymore because Mother decided You Have Failed Me.

Alex's Muse is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold

Alex's Muse might be a fan of nomming on on cats and driving Alex insane. But he might be just a kind hearted tentacle thing that just wants Alex to succeed, it just churns out SpongeBob theories because it's the best it could do with some meat. Check this.

Alex: We have to leave, right now!
Victoria: Your Muse isn't gonna eat me!
Alex: ...What? You mean the big tentacle monster in my basement?
Victoria: Yeah.
Alex: How do you know about that?
Victoria: I have one, too!
Alex: ...WHAT?
This confirms the Muse has some weird sense of dignity but it could mean that it has some semblance of camaraderie.

The above Troper is a Muse
Trust no one...

The next theory will be somehow related to spores
In the Goofy Goober Alien Death Cult Theory, at around 1:15, Alex shows a random word generator. The words "goofy," "goober," "death," "cult" and "theory" are all on the top row. Below that, you see two sets of words related to the two theories after that ("robot" "apocalypse" and "ghost" "pirate") and then one set related to the muses ("meat" "muse"), but spore has no parallel like the other words do.
  • Likely Jossed, we don't see all of the next theory, but it doesn't seem to be related to spores.

The series is a metaphor for unfulfilling success
Alex and Mark were both content creators who originally did stuff for the sake of putting their creations into the world, Short-Films for Alex and Reviews for Mark. While the things they did got views, it wasn't enough to make a living...until they made something outside of their wheel house, Spongebob theories for Alex and Clickbait View-fodder for Mark, and they got the views they were looking for. So now they were left with a "Morton's Fork" type situation, either make thing that get attention but they don't love, or make things that they love but don't get attention...and they decided to go with the former, eventually leading to a breakdown symbolized by the muse taking full control.

The Warden didn’t just lose a loved one due to Mrs. Puff giving a bad driving student a boating license.
He was the student who was wrongly given a license.
