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WMG / Shaman King: Flowers

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Sakurai will become Hana's guardian ghost.
It'll be nice for Hana to pick his own instead of just using his father's. Also, instead of a sword, Hana's new power will manifest as a gun, due of Sakurai being a WWII's soldier.
  • Semi-confirmed. Hao sent Hana to Sakurai because he considered Sakurai perfect for Hana; Amidamaru pampered Hana too much and Hao considered him second-hand.

YVS's Identity
He manifests as the Eye of Providence not only because of the obvious "dollar" symbolism, but because he was a founder of some sort of secret society that moved the world towards capitalism.

The G8's Identities
Two of them are obviously Jesus and Buddha. The huge muscular figure is Moses, the short bearded figure Muhammed, and the guy wearing a hawk's beak Ra, or possibly another god meant to represent the spirit of Pharaoh.
