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WMG / Rush (2013)

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If Ron Howard decided to tackle F1 again
He should cover Prost vs. Senna.
  • Pro: Probably THE greatest rivalry in F1, storied enough to catch people's attention, wouldn't be subject to the bullshit rule that disqualified Senna from an Oscar nod. Not to mention there'd be a way to link it to this movie: Lauda's final teammate was Prost.
  • Con: Senna exists, so not necessarily a need for a Prost vs. Senna movie, Howard probably wouldn't want to do it without Prost's approval, and Prost has been reluctant to talk about Senna since the latter's death, Senna's family is very protective of his name, and of course the Downer Ending. It's also a really similar story of rivalry between a Technician Versus Performer. (Then again most Formula One rivalries come down to Technician Versus Performer. Besides, what would you rather have, another rivalry or a movie about the Schumacher era?)

He should cover Schumacher vs. Hakkinen.

  • Pro: Not as much as prominent as the Lauda-Hunt or Prost-Senna rivalries, but just as well-revered by fans and pundits alike (and basically a very prominent example of Friendly Rivalry in the sport's history.) Also one of the lengthiest in terms of history, since both men have raced against each other in junior series. The proposed movie would conclude on two points of the men's career, both during the 2000 Season: either at Belgium, because of Mika's epic overtake down the Kemmel Straight; or Italy, where Schumi matches Senna's win tally, and breaks down into tears upon realizing it (with Mika reaching out to comfort him.)
    • For added bonus: casting Mads Mikkelsen as Hakkinen makes absolute sense.
  • Con: Much like Senna, there's also a documentary on Schumacher, care of Netflix (though that focused more on him as a person.) It may also face similar issues as above, at least in terms of getting his family's green light.

James is an amnesiac Thor.
Well, someone had to suggest it.

Fine, then Niki Lauda is a Time Lord.
Because someone had to suggest it. His TARDIS has a working chameleon circuit and is that plane at the end. His name is The Technician.
  • That explains the plot of Top Kids then. He appeared in that rather obscure film as a time-travelling race car driver, with a boy in his teens accompanying him throughout various points in automotive history.
