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WMG / Power Rangers Time Force

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For Wild Mass Guessing about the rest of the franchise, see Power Rangers.

Nadira is Adopted
She was a young mutant outcast, whom Ransik, despite his bloodlust, saw as something more than just another follower. No, instead of just making her part of the gang, he adopted her as his daughter, and promised to make her rich when he finally ruled the world. She calls him "daddy" because he's the only family she has ever known.

Had the others not came back, Wes would've taken out Ransik in a Mutual Kill

It's stated that if they hadn't returned, Wes would've died, but also would have won.

Had they not returned, he would've eventually destroyed the robot, possibly sacrificing the Q-Rex, and then ended up in a final battle with Ransik, one mortally wounding the other but the other managing to take their opponent down with them, killing both.

  • A more likely, but more horrifying possibility, Wes would have ruined any chance Ransik had of winning, then been killed by him. Horrified by her father's actions Nadira would then step in and kill Ransik, believing he'd kill the baby she was trying to protect.

Wes is Sky's father
Nothing is known about Sky's father other than the fact he's a Red Ranger whose outfit was Time Force style.
  • It's just an Easter Egg. Or rather, a recycled product. And from another wiki... "This is not true as Officer Tate was serving with S.P.D in the year 2001, the same year Time Force occurred, where he and the other 5 to 11 parents of the six S.P.D. rangers suffered an accident and had their DNA mutated, resulting in the S.P.D. rangers having unusual powers for humans.".

The Rangers' Home Time Is Secretly A Bad Future
Think about it: All humans of that time are made using 'perfect' DNA, preventing all disease (ergo, eugenics). All the monsters are mutants (who, remember, aren't genetically augmented), so either the future government segregates its prisons by subspecies (which is incredibly suspect), or the populace's DNA has been altered to make them less aggressive (and more easily ruled). The Rangers are told that their actions are damaging the timeline, but are never told how. And anytime someone from the future travels back in time, the standard operating procedure is to wipe their memories of anything from the past. So clearly something happened in the past that the powers that be in the future don't want made known.
  • Not necessarily. Perfect DNA could be obtained through gene therapy (why would anyone settle for his descendants to have perfect DNA, when he can have it himself?). Mutants look like intentional mutations with additional features for battle, rather than the product of accidents, so they could be the result of illegal/underground gene therapy. A sufficiently anally retentive bureaucrat in charge of monitoring the timeline might consider any change as a damage, even when people who were killed in the original timeline remain alive in the new one. Wiping the memories might be done to make time travellers forget about the relationships they established (how would they react if they found the tomb of the person they fell in love with in the past?)
    • The gene therapy theory has promise, but doesn't explain why mutants get their own prison, or why at least one nonviolent mutant was thrown in such a place. Also, we are told of the damage by Alex, who is many things, but "anally retentive bureaucrat" isn't one of them. Furthermore, he was shown to be personally monitoring the Rangers' actions, so it's unlikely that he's relying on someone else's data that colored his perceptions. As for memory wipes being done as a mercy, that might have some merit if it was optional. As it stands, mindwipes being done to keep things secret make much more sense.

Jen is a descendant of Jason.

If they had Jen stay in the past as originally intended, she and Wes would turn out to be Alex's direct ancestors.

Mechanau was an X-Vault Prisoner
In the episode Undercover Rangers (which takes place after Frax defects from Ransik), the Rangers fight against a mutant called Mr. Mechanau who is loyal to Frax. Where he came from or why he's loyal to Frax is never explained. Additionally, he's very strong and requires an upgrade (the Strata Cycle) to defeat him.

Only three mutants are ever identified explicitly as being from the X-Vault, however when Frax first opens it in Future Unknown, we see at least six containers. While some of them could've been empty, if they weren't, Frax easily could've taken them with him when he defected, allowing him to unfreeze them for his own uses. Being an X-Vault prisoner would also explain Mechanau's strength.

Additionally, later in the series (in A Calm Before the Storm), Nadira confirms that the X-Vault is completely empty. Frax probably wouldn't have left it open or left the key lying around for them to find unless he'd emptied it himself beforehand.

Mr. Collins' given name is Albert
As a nod to his actor, Edward Lawrence Albert.

Notacon was frozen under the three strikes rule.
It was never said how many times Notacon stole food to survive. In Timeranger, Tatsuya comments on how many people are frozen for theft and Yuuri explains about the three strikes rule. In Time Force, that rule went unmentioned because Wes never made any similar comments.

The White Knight is Wes' ancestor.
It would make sense thematically; the knight representing the past, Wes the present, and his descendant Alex the future.
