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WMG / Poppy O'Possum

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Poppy will have to fake her own death

Poppy is already a trouble magnet, at some point she is going to have to lay low for a bit, and after all, what is it possums are famous for?

Kit will find a cure for her fathers cancer and it will involved opossum blood and Poppys' daughter, Lilly

Kit's father would appear to a tumour and/or some form of brain cancer, Lilly, with her ability to negate magic, small hands and desire to be doctor would a good candidate to help

Lilly will become a doctor..

..for opossum's and magical conditions. Not having to work on multiple species will reduce the amount of time she needs to spend learning to a more realistic amount. She will have plenty of patients to work with because...

Kit Darling's efforts to attract more opossum settles will work

Encouraged by the positive example set by Lilly and Poppy public perception of opossum's will change for the better, allowing them to gain employment and acceptance.

Kit Darling will start working on a medication to extend opossums life span

Halia Haha chose that name when she transitioned because...

Her family openly mocked her for it, and when she obtained the paperwork needed to change her name, a family member found it and defaced it, writing 'ha haha' in the given name and surname fields. In defiance, she turned it into Halia Haha.

Kit used to change size in her sleep

Why else would you need a bed this big?. It doesn't happen much any more, with her only needing a goodnight kiss to keep her from changing, but sometimes she wants to sleep in the big bed again.

  • When was it mentioned that she changed size, like, ever? Are you sure you're not thinking of Boris?
    • Nope, just a wild guess based on the big bed.
