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The Shopkeeper is a Dangerous Sociopath.

In the Steam Trailer, The Shopkeeper tells the viewer (who we can assume is Alex or Alisa), that they stumbled upon this world and can’t leave unless they participate in the game.

Why would he purposely stop anyone from going home just for a game? Furthermore, nothing implies the viewer made it home.

Is The Shopkeeper so apathetic towards the plight of Alisa and Alex that he would ''knowingly'' allow for a game where ''children'' are thrown violently in a cage? We know he understands the participants (on the human side) are children because The Shopkeeper asks Sharlie to keep an eye on them. This could also make one wonder if he’s really cares about their safety or simply wants them alive for the games.

The Monster realm/world the game takes place in isn’t real.

In the menu of the game’s local play and the intro, Patches is shown hiding in the closet of The Twins’ room. Something else to consider is how Googly, Alisa’s stuffed rabbit doll, is just inexplicably alive and why he would automatically want to protect The Twins. Since Alisa is obviously a child, she’s most likely subconsciously believing her toy, Googly, would protect them from monsters.

Were humans previously already in the Monster Realm?

Hunt is on the monster side in the game which could imply that he lived or lives in the monster realm, especially since with the exception of Sharlie, Alucard, and Leon Belmont, each character is with their respective species team.

It’s also interesting to note that Maisy’s “grandmother” is heavily implied to be the same wolf from Little Red Riding Hood, in said story, the wolf could communicate with Red Riding Hood. Monsters are able to communicate in the Monster Realm. Since Maisy lives in her “grandmother’s” house, does this mean Maisy lives in, near, or was possibly born in the Monster Realm?
