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WMG / North East England

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The region doesn't actually exist, and is a figment of our imagination.
It's just a fictional setting to put works like Billy Elliot and The Likely Lads when they want some gritty Oop North setting and don't want to upset people in Manchester. After all very little fiction of note is actually set there, so...

Teesside especially doesn't exist.
Since even fictional settings rarely if ever depict it.

The real reason they got rid of Lindsay House on Stockton High Street...
This will make absolutely zero sense to whoever doesn't live in Stockton-on-Tees, but basically, the building was a 1960s construction, by the 2010s a half-empty block of shops and offices that got demolished to make way for extra car parking space when the High Street was being renovated.

Or at least, that's what the Council tell us.

In reality they secretly admit that there will never be enough demand for all the empty shops in the town centre and just wanted to move what shops were still occupying the building into some of the other vacant spaces, whilst reducing the overall number of total units.

The above WMG is a load of rubbish.
Since there is no such thing as Teesside or the region of North East England, in which Stockton is supposedly located.
