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WMG / Loki Episode 3 "Lamentis"

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Most of the episode takes place in Loki's head as Sylvie attempts to enchant him
  • Loki tends to be immediately disproved whenever he brags, so it could be that his claims of a strong mind are overstated — it takes a more elaborate illusion, but Sylvie is getting there throughout the episode.
  • Alternatively, it could be the other way around, with everything after Sylvie waking up on the train being Loki's illusion. It is strange that Loki would be so careless to get drunk and sing at a party, and it's even more strange that a random wealthy woman from a distant planet would know the tune to an old Asgardian drinking song well enough to play it on an instrument.
    • Sylvie had just explained how to do it some five minutes earlier...
      • Or it started with Sylvie enchanting Loki, but at some point he turned the tables on her, hence why she seemingly fell asleep when she was determined to stay awake.
  • Further evidence either way - Loki caught a whole building with his telekinesis, which is well beyond anything he’s demonstrated previously, then put it back.
  • Jossed as of the following episode.

Sylvie wasn't adopted by Odin and Frigga
  • She seems to envy the princely lifestyle Loki has had, and has few memories of her mother, from whom she never learnt magic. Adding that to her comment that 'they' told her she was adopted quite early, and it suggests that Sylvie was adopted by someone else, which is when she became a variant. Presumably either her parent(s) kept her safe from the TVA for a while or her timeline somehow predates the Time-Keepers takeover, and she is the last remnant of one of the original warring timelines.
    • It's most likely the former, since at one point she mentions having been on the run from the TVA for most of her life.
    • Jossed, the next episode opens with Sylvie as a child playing in the palace before being taken away by the TVA. She ends up escaping and growing up on the run. We never see how much her timeline's Odin and Frigga were like the ones from the main timeline, but she seemed to be a happy and well-adjusted child - up until the moment the TVA snatched it all away.
      • Why is that room supposed to be in the palace? This could be any Asgardian home as well.

The Tempad is intact, and Loki still has it
  • Loki had the Tempad stashed in his personal Hammerspace, which should make it invulnerable to things like being tossed from a train. And Sylvie conspicuously never touches it before it conveniently falls apart into tiny pieces.
    • Jossed, as shown by the next episode.

Loki has a Time Stone
  • Putting the tower back in place is far stronger telekinesis than Loki has ever exhibited before, and raises a lot of Fridge Logic about why he never used it in combat before now. Using a Time Stone to rewind the tower, on the other hand, would look very much the same. And, suggestively, the smoke around the tower also seems to rewind when Loki resets it.
  • Related: By the end of the series Loki will have stored a Time Stone in the Tesseract to go with the Space Stone, and will be traveling all of time and space with a little blue box.
