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WMG / Ixion

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The Alternate Ending leads to civil war and genocide
  • On one planet, you have helpless, pacifist gene hippies; the techbro's utopia built upon billions of corpses. After all their gene tweaking, some people might see them as no longer human.
  • On the other planet, you have scrappy survivors, who chose a barely-habitable planet to spite DOLOS and preserve their baseline human purity. And who might, depending on how you played, be cold-blooded enough to have abandoned failed colonies, science teams, and cryopods to die.
  • Their Dead Earth Sickness could ferment into hatred of the Ashtangites as the fruit of the poisonous tree. Who offered them a home not out of good faith, but as some kind of trick.
  • The descendants of the Tiqqun might just terraform Romulus and — true to the name — turn into a new Rome who conquers their neighbors. And if they're lucky, only subjugates them.
  • Hopefully, the council of scientists has a plan to prevent this outcome! Will the DLS Center technology of surveillance and social engineering be used to prevent the fascist outcome? Or will a power-tripping administrator use it to stir the population into a genocidal frenzy?
