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WMG / Home on the Range

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Michael Eisner engineered this film's failure.
It's no secret that he was losing faith in traditional animation and wanted to move onto computer animation, so he made damn sure that the critics wouldn't enjoy this movie and that it would flop at the box office. He deliberately had the advertising play up the worst parts of the film and generally not be true to the film. This lackluster advertising planted a Confirmation Bias in many critics and non-critic viewers which caused a negative reaction from many fans and a negative critical reception. Chicken Little getting a negative critical reception and a negative reaction from many fans was karma.

Alameda Slim is German/has German ancestry.
For being a singing cattle thief, Aladema Slim is way too obsessed with a music genre from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Yodeling comes from a territory comprising Switzerland, Austria and Southern Germany. His nephews, the Willie brothers, are all blonde and share a surname which is a short form of the German name "Wilhelm" (as in Wilhelm Tell, one of the operas he learnt by heart). Last but not least, all recognizable tunes he yodels and whistles ("Ride of the Valyries", "Beethoven's Ode to Joy" and "Wilhelm Tell") share the same cultural background and were composed in German-speaking countries a few decades before the events of the movie. This implies that either he's an Americanized German pioneer or (most likely) he's an unusual case of Foreign Culture Fetish.
