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WMG / Fate of the Jedi

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Legacy of the Force was the result of a huge Xanatos Gambit by Abeloth.
The Jacen plot is not a red herring. Abeloth was the main Chessmaster behind his fall from grace...she just didn't do it directly. Somehow she managed to get Lumiya under her control; Lumiya was flying under the Alliance's radar for quite a while, so it's not inconceivable that she could have ended up in the Maw somehow. Then, she sent Lumiya to turn Jacen to the Dark Side; she might have even fabricated the "Tassels" which were telling Jacen to sacrifice someone he loved. As we all know, this resulted in the death of two of Luke's biggest love interests, Mara and Lumiya. Once that was done, all she had to do was kill Akanah, and Abeloth would have Luke all to herself.

So...yeah. That whole book series happened because some Eldritch Abomination got lonely and jealous. Still somewhat lame, but it makes sense.

  • Another possibility: We know that Jacen himself visited the Maw while studying with the Mind Walkers. She might have gotten her hooks into him directly, and influenced him to blow up Centerpoint Station. And/or she got Lumiya directly as well. In fact, this could also explain why Lumiya sometimes seems like she genuinely doesn't hate Luke any more (see the part where she offers him her hand), and sometimes does. It's because she's psychotic herself.

Daala has been driven crazy by Force Psychosis.
She's not a Jedi, but she did spend a lot of time in the Maw. And since she wasn't a Jedi, she wouldn't be able to defend herself telepathically, like Ben just barely managed to be able to do. It would certainly explain why she seems to be so needlessly paranoid at times...
  • Worth noting that the Force connects all living thingsnote , not just Jedi. So, technically speaking, anything alivenote  would be vulnerable to Force Psychosis.

Jaina, after marrying Jag, will leave the Jedi Order and found the Imperial Knights
Seeing how the story's going right now, it seems like the most legitimate explanation for the Force-sensitive Fel Dynasty and its Force-wielding Praetorian Guard.
  • Actually, spoilers from Ascension say that, to atone for what she did, Tahiri will become Fel's bodyguard.
  • Tentatively Jossed: Jagged Fel relinquishes control of the Empire to Vitor Reige and marries Jaina. Jaina becomes a Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council.
  • Could be Tahiri who founds them, in his name.

The dark figure Jacen saw ruling the galaxy in his vision was him
He saw a vision of someone ruling the galaxy and foolishly assumed he could prevent it by... ruling the galaxy. Thus turning it into a case of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. When Luke and Ben see Allana ruling more benevolently, it's not because Jacen's changed anything- they're just seeing a later future than he did.
  • Jossed. The dark man is a mysterious Sith (seemingly Darth Krayt) that acts as an unexpected ally in Luke's fight against Abeloth over the Lake of Apparations. Jacen reveals that this man is the dark man in his vision, and his true fear was that Allana stood by the dark man's side in this vision.

The Lost Tribe of the Sith are the Zakuulans, and are led by Darth Imperius.
  • During Fate of the Jedi, Luke and Ben Skywalker run across a Force-user named Vestara Khai, who claims to be an ethnic Sith a la the ancient Sith of Tales of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Old Republic, rather than a religious one a la the Banites (whom Luke defeated permanently in the movies), and she's waffling on actually using the dark side. She speaks of a "Lost Tribe of the Sith" in the Unknown Regions of the Galaxy Far, Far Away.
  • In Star Wars: The Old Republic, even if they redeemed their Force ghosts, Darth Imperius (the lightside Sith Inquisitor PC) can still use the Rishi machines to extend their lifespan, and in any case they know where Ashaa is and can seek her out again. And dealing with the Sith Emperor being in their head was just like old times for them: who knows what long-term effects having Vitiakorion for a headmate had on Imperius's unique physiology.
  • The Chiss Ascendancy was in contact with the rest of the galaxy in SWTOR's time but had managed to fall off the map entirely by the movie period (c.f. Outbound Flight). Why not Zakuul? Additionally, Zakuul declares independence from the Alliance at the end of "The Nathema Conspiracy", but depending on the Outlander's personality they may still be welcome there.
  • We know from other material that rather than reform into a saner and less oppressive organization, the Sith Empire continued to war with the Republic for millennia, and broke up and reformed at least one more time before its final fall at the Battle of Ruusan.
So, the theory is that Imperius, who in-game has an Internal Reformist attitude to the Sith Empire, eventually gave up trying to change Sith long term, and took what Sith and gray Jedi would follow her to Zakuul where they could live in relative peace—probably leaving a holocron or several behind to guide others—and became the "Lost Tribe" after the final fall of the Sith Empire at the Battle of Ruusan.
  • Except it was established the Lost Tribe descended from the Sith Empire of the Great Hyperspace War and have a fleshed out history predating the Eternal Empire.
