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WMG / Excalibur (Marvel Comics)

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Alistaire Stuart is The Tenth Doctor
Oh, sorry that should have been "Alistaire Stuart is a Time Lord". Oh, well. Anyway, he's clearly the Doctor traveling to some point in time (future or past, it's hard to say given how weird the chronology is) when one of the Brigadier's relatives is in charge, assuming the Brig's name and pretending to be the current Brig's brother as part of his cover. And WHO is one of UNIT's cover names.
  • Or for copyright reasons, he's Professor Gamble.
  • Building off that, Alysande Stuart is actually Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, going by her middle name or something.

Every version of Captain Britain is a reincarnation of King Arthur; the Excalibur team is his unconscious attempt to recreate the knights of the round table
  • Brian is Arthur, fairly obviously. He even gets offered a choice of amulet and sword by Merlyn, paralleling the scabbard/sword choice Merlin offers Arthur in Malory.
  • Meggan is Guinevere
  • Nightcrawler is Lancelot; a foreign Knight in Shining Armor type who wins away Guinevere's heart but is arguably worthier of it.
  • Either Kitty or Alistaire serve as Merlin, supplying the technological stuff. Merlyn exists in this continuity, obviously, but needs a smaller facet of himself to operate in this particular segment of the Ominverse.
    • In some early tales, Merlin had a twin sister named Ganiceda; maybe that's Alysande.
  • Phoenix is there for Wolverine Publicity.
  • Courtney Ross/Saturnyne is Morgan.
