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WMG / Emerald Furnace - Path Of Storms

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When Bakugou applies for UA, Nezu will reject his application and have him arrested based on his actions.

While Bakugou was commonly bullying Izuku, he was still able to get in because his favorite target was too intimidated to speak about the abuse he suffered. Here, Nezu would call him up and talk about Izuku, with Naomasa hiding and using his Quirk. When finding out the depraved lengths Bakugou went on Izuku and the numerous lies he tells to cover them up, Nezu will reject Bakugou's application and have him arrested for creating a powerful villain.
  • Jossed. While they know Bakugou was involved in that mall incident, they didn't know he was Izuku's main tormentor.

Izuku will kill Bakugou for all the pain he was dealt with.

Let's face it. Given ten years of bullying and mistreatment for being Quirkless, then having such a powerful Quirk viewed as villainous isn't going to do wonders for a poor boy's mental state. By the time Bakugou encounters Izuku, it's heavily likely killing doesn't faze Izuku at all, and given who forced him down the path of villainy, Izuku will cook Bakugou alive.
