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WMG / Elysium

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Elysium is set in the Stargate-verse.
This explains the ridiculous technology. At some point, the NID got their hands on a sarcophagus, and they reverse engineered it to invent the Med-Pod. Being the elitists that they are, they weren't interested in improving the lives of the common people, regardless of how much money they could make doing so. As a result, they built Elysium, obtaining financing by selling lots there complete with Med-Pods and the promise of nigh-immortality. It also doubled as a defense against alien attack- if any hostile aliens show up, it'll be the commoners on the surface taking the casualties, while Elysium simply avoids the problem by maneuvering away from Earth.
  • Sarcophagus does eat your soul and make you evil...which makes your WMG a Fridge Horror given the ending.
    • Use of the sarcophagus drives people insane, so it explains perfectly why so many people on Elysium - who use it to fix crow's feet - are cold-blooded sociopaths who don't care about Earthers dying of easily-treated leukemia or radiation poisoning. And given how familiar Kruger and his men are with the device - one even mentioned how pissed off Kruger was after having his legs re-attached a few years earlier - him being Ax-Crazy makes all kinds of sense, as does him going completely bugfuck nuts upon having his face regenerated.
      • It's implicit in the series that the psychological problems are a result exposure—and the sarcophagi are addictive. It's basically a functioning Auto Doc that will add free induced psychopathy.

Elysium is set in the District 9 universe.
We didn't get nothing from the alien tech and the prawns are either still in South Africa or got picked up when their friends came back. In fact a retaliatory alien attack could have been the "ecological catastrophe" that turned Earth into a Crapsack World.
  • Even better, Kruger may actually be Wikus from D9. He's old enough, assuming he got his Prawnishnes fixed.
  • My own personal take was once humans reverse engineered the prawn tech, humans exterminated all the prawns, and the tech is what all the tech in this movie is based on.
  • The Chemrail gun Max finds in the armory is definitely feels like it came right out of the Prawn arsenal.

Kruger was once upon a time normal.
How else do you explain him getting into such a position, where he can have access to weapons like he does? He used to be a logical agent for the government, but he had a head injury, which (like we saw in the movie) he healed from... Needless to say, he came back just a tad wrong. However, the change was really really subtle, so his superiors didn't catch on. After that one incident, it happened over and over and over and over again, leaving him the katana-crazy villain we saw in this movie.

Afrikaans culture Recycled IN SPACE!!
District 9 was an extended Van der Merwe joke. This was a total reconstruction of Jan Pierewiet. The next film is going to be... Kinders Van Die Wind! Or, Hex River. I dunno.

Elysium is set in the Mega Man universe
Specifically, in between Mega Man ZX and Mega Man Legends. In Legends, Earth is covered in ruins of a high-tech organization that used to inhabit it but left for some reason. In Legends 2, we find out about a distant world called Elysium, where humanity used to exist in peace with absurdly advanced technology, and that the citizens of Elysium were the descendents of the people that created the ruins. By this point, however, Elysium is uninhabited.

In the Mega Man ZX games, the last series of games before the time-skip to the Legends games, the line between humans and androids has begun to blur, as humans convert themselves into cyborgs and androids become increasingly human-like. It is also mentioned that they are creating a world called Elysium.

Elysium is in the Mass Effect Universe
Due to Max's actions, the quality of life on Earth is improved to the point where true rebuilding can begin and the slums are restored to full cities. A few years later, the first true missions to Mars are launched using Elysium, which is now a glorified Space Station as a launching point, and the Prothean relics are found. Then, the next is history.
  • Then that would mean Elysium was also renamed Arcturus Station prior to the mission to Mars and moved after the discovery of the relay.
Kruger, born in the early 70's, was *young* for an Elysian.
Carlyle, Delacourt, et al were in their 90's when the initial cure for aging that would become the med-bays was invented sometime around the present day. He was in his late thirties, and made himself useful enough as a merc to be restored to functioning youth again and again. He is also running out of time, because, even prior to being fired, he's not allowed to return to Elysium to be restored again.

This is the post-atomic horror of the Star Trek universe.
The planet is burnt out from some new type of nuke, the oil ran out, and somewhere else, to fit with some other mass guesses, the latter half of the Mad Max series is going on in Australia, and just about every other crapsack world that doesn't directly contradict some other one. Actually Mad Max would have happened much earlier, but...

The Earth is a crapsack world because people stopped dying.
Remember that whole medical chamber where people started being revived? What if those chambers were publicly available via humanitarian services? People stop dying, lifespans increase, the amount of children in the world doubles, even triples. Eventually, the overpopulation crisis is so insanely terrible that mass famine and poverty strike most of the first world, which leads to the world of LA we see in the film. Now you have gotten people in the 20th century still alive, even corporate execs, who now have access to near immortality.

Kruger is Matilda's biological father
Unless Frey had a moment of Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder, we can assume Matilda was a Child by Rape.

The Jetsons is set in the same world as Elysium
The setting of Elysium is a world where the entire Earth has become a barren and toxic slum while the superrich all live in a fancy space station that serves their every need. If technology in Elysium has improved to the point that space colonies are feasible, then maybe homes tall enough to reach the clouds also exist. While the ultra-wealthy live in space, the upper middle class, or the closest thing to it in this world, live in cloud cities to escape the pollution and the plebes.

Delacourt was not only right, but also successful in the end
Throughout the film, she warns the people on Elysium about the dangerously resourceful people living in poverty on the Earth and is scorned for her violent defence of the station. But, as far as she's aware, any ship heading to Elysium without the proper flight plans and a code for authorised access may well be carrying a heavily armed and homicidal militia. The missile was overkill, but we only know that as the audience because we have a view of the refugees on board.

Sure, Elysium may very well be able to send far more health rejuvenating devices down to Earth for free universal health care to be available for all. It even seems to have been prepared to be sent, based on how quickly such a delivery is issued after Elysium is taken over, suggesting that all that Spider's program did was to be a nuisance by setting off an early launch, bypassing safety concerns and probably leading to a few avoidable accidents. It wouldn't have been Delacourt who was in charge of deciding whether or not to send them any way so, whether she would have or not, she's not at fault in any way for the lack of any of the health pods on Earth.

Also, based on the levels of technology in Elysium, it is extremely unlikely that Spider was able to reprogram it with any permanent changes. The more likely result is of a few more days of access to health pods for the people on Earth, then their retrieval, along with an arrest of the refugees (whether they are later pardoned, given their refugee status and the nature of Spider's coercion or not), and a reinstatement of the android security forces as and when Spider's reprogramming is cleared (which the android guards will allow to be done, as merely adding more to the registered population does not withdraw the access codes of legitimate authority).

As for Delacourt's fatal injury when she refuses help for her slot throat... Do you really think that merely bleeding out is sufficient cause for Elysium security chief to be killed on Elysium!? Again, given Elysium levels of technology and the medical, cybernetic technology in particular, it is no doubt automatic for Delacourt and her peers in the governing body of Elysium to be cloned by hidden medical pods with entirely new bodies and uploaded with scans of their own memories as of up to the last time they had the medical pod scan them (once a day, according to her own rules and regulations, I would think) triggered to occur as soon as a death is detected by Elysium's ubiquitous security scanners. She allowed herself to die as a return to life where she was is only going to leave her in the middle of the danger. Dying a relatively painless and quick death, on the other hand, will deliver her straight to a new body in the middle of secure offices elsewhere, missing the memory of the last 24 hours or so, but ready to immediately start dismantling Spider's bit of terrorist programming.
